Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 6, 1 Iune 2001 — KA LEO KAIĀULU [ARTICLE]
ADB The repressive measures crafted by the Honolulu Poliee Department, the City and the State of Hawai'i to accommodate the Asian Development Meeting and its officials portend further erosion of our civil rights. Apparently, the law of the land is upheld only on the continent as the rights of citizens to march on the streets freely does not exist here; we are free to march only after lengthy court suits, impossible permit conditions (whieh change with the wind) behind barricades. The hysteria and unfair conditions set down by this poliee state makes one wonder when martial law will be declared. And the ADB affair has made the Aloha State an oxymoron. Our international guests are shocked lhat the "land of the free" isn't. And if protection implies facing the Honolulu Poliee Department's version of Nazi Storm Troopers (as ADB protest marches did at Kapi'olani Park), armed with millions of tax dollars worth of riot equipment, tear gas and God knows what else hidden away but easily accessible, wouldn't you rather be unprotected except by the guarantees in the Bi!l of Rights and the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by those who truly uphold civil and human rights? Lela Hubbard 'Aiea Walk the walk Buzzy Agard should eat his words. Agard is part of the
Democratic Party / Hā Hawai'i/ HSEC/Native Hawaiian Convention effort. His group was created by the state and funded by the state. Who are Agard's leaders? Pinky Thompson, Arthur Hoke, Momi Cazimero - all democratic party supporters? Eh Buzzy, how eome all the Hawaiians boycotted the Hā Hawai'i election? I guess they neva like the maehine. Agard says he's for independence. Prove it. Give up your U.S. citizenship. If cannot walk the walk, betta shut up. Kaleo Keaulana Hilo Waimea purchase 1 support OHA's efforts to buy Waimea Park on 0*ahu's North Shore. This would be kālā well spent for now and the future of all Hawaiians. Even though we have Hawaiians in Kahana Va!ley State Park down the road. "i mua" on buying more Iand. Get the mayor to condemn the land and buy it eheap. Mahalo. lohn Kaleikau Olszowka Lā 'ie Political decisions The fine work to open up the legislative process last year has, in only one session, been thrown away. It appears that the senate president and the house speaker have decided to give a few legislators all the power of decision making in the conference committees. They are the ones who receive the most campaign contributions. Remember how senator chairs
Kawamoto, Kim and Kanno killed the pilot project for Public Funding of Campaigns by not a!lowing their committee members to vote? This is power and money at taxpayers' expense with no accountability. Many legislator are not commitlee chairs and, therefore, have no voice. How ean the voters decide how to vote if we don't know the voting record of our legislators on issues important to us? Could it be that if the non-powerful legislators go along with this. they don't have to take a vote on anything? I am proud of my representative Ed Case who voted against this change back to the dark ages and very disappointed in my Senator Brian Taniguchi who voted in favor of it. It's no wonder the Republican Party is getting stronger. lt seems that the Democratic Party has a death wish. Joyce Loo Honolulu Voter's regret John D. Waihe'e IV should resign. He was elected to office because Walter Heen and his father, John D. Waihe'e III, initiated an effort late in the election to contact democrats by phone asking us to vote for Waihe'e. I received one of the calls. I told Heen that John Waihe'e IV had not been able to organize sign-waving for his dad's campaign, had no background other than being a bartender for 15 years and was still living with his mommy and daddy. Heen told me not to worry becau.se his father wou!d be steering the ship. I ean see that this is the case. Too bad