Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 6, 1 June 2001 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
/4« expanded preschool program now includes more than 1,000 three and four-year-olds statewide. Kamehameha will develop its campuses on Hawai'i and Maui to accommodate more than 2,200 students in Grades K-12. More than $22 million in financial aid and post-high school scholarships enabled Hawaiian families to realize educational goals that will have lasting benefit for everyone.
Kamehameha Schools' remarkable journey this past year has enabled the entire Kamehameha 'ohana to reconnect to the vision of our founder, Ke Ali'i Pauahi. Through increased spending and expansion of its core programs, Kamehameha provided educational assistance to more than 15,500 students of Hawaiian ancestry during the 1999—2000 school year. Mueh has been aeeomplished. Mueh remains to be done. Kamehameha Schools now moves forward to meet the challenges ahead — proud of our heritage, confident in our future. KAMEHAMEHA SCH00LS
J, 2UUU Kamehameha Schools SCHEDULE OF HAWAH REAL ESTATE BY ISLAND AND ZONING IN ACRES at June 30, 2000 „ īonu. Ans*iNAc«ES KS Hkwkh Lanp ffahu lmproved Residenbal 327.496 0.64 Apartment 700.846 1.37 Commerdal 329.316 0.64 lndustrial 156.494 0.31 Agricultural 17,434.951 34.00 Conservation 29,644.096 57.81 Hoiei and Resort 20.475 0.04 Un«Ttotoved Resktential 2.661.506 5.19 Totai 51,275.180 100.00 Hawafi lmproved Residential 41.378 0.01 Apartment 182,731 0.06 Commercial 80.121 0.03 lndustrial 85.661 0.03 Agricultuial 167.711.672 56.77 Conservation 125,342.173 42.42 Hotel and Resort 204.710 0,07 Unimproved ReskhBitiai 1,627 538 0.55 Homeowner DS2J2I_ Mfi_ Total 295,459.114 100.00 Maui lmproved Residen»al 15,000 0.57 Apaitment 1.688 0,06 Commercia! 5406 0.21 lndustrial 3,501 0.13 Agricultural 1.197 341 45.78 Conservabon 1.300.686 49.75 HoteiandResort 8.626 0.33 Un(mproved Residenbal 82.775 3.17 Total 2.615.025 100.00 Moloka'i Agricultural 3,392.063 68.51 ConservatiOri 1.559.380 31.49 1btal 4.951.423 10000 Kaual lnduatrlal 1547? 0.13 Agricultural 1,113.412 9,48 Conservation 10612.117 90,38 1btal 11,741 006 100.00 Summary lmproved ReskJenMI 383.874 0,10 Apaiīmenl 885 285 0.24 Commefdal 414.843 011 tnduetrial 281.333 0.07 Agneukura! 190,849439 52.14 Conaerv»kon 188,458 432 48.03 HbWaridRawrt 233813 008 Ummprovad Raaid»n«4l 4,371.819 1.20 Homaownai 182.930 Mk. TMal 388041.748 100.00