Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 6, 1 June 2001 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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ai june ji Kamehameha Schools C0NS0LIDATED STATEMENT 0F ASSETS June 30, 2000 Onthousands) CosTonEs™«TH, Fwr Mapket Vw.ut Cash and equna)ents M73,608 (Faoevdue) lnvestments Mari(8tabie dsbt and equity secunties (OeoM madtet pnee value) Oommon and pnimd stodc lnvestment banking firm $1,101,038 0ther 125,501 Cotporale debt securities 1 85,741 Short-temi corporate obigat»ns 130,881 Govemment securites 133,458 Mutual Funds 87265 0ther 25.847 1,789,711 Pnva»ly piaced debt and equi!y securibes (Cash llow, collateral 01 appraised value) Equity investments 587,515 lnvestment banking 8rm 777,031 Direct «nandng lease 34,446 Loan«andsubordinateddebentures 28.073 1,427,065 Rece»abies (Vaiue via compariaon to market interesi rates) Tenanl and tultlon receivables (net) 4,947 Noteagreements-teeconveisicrilandsales$Olher 93,883 lnterest 8.028 106,858 Deterredchargesandother 32,311 (8ookvalue) Deferred ineome taxes 3,012 (Netnababie vak») Real estate hek) tor deveiopment and sale 65,544 (Net reakiabie or tax assessed valua) Land, Bukdinge and Equipment • Hawau reai eatate IAppraised, currenttaxassessedorbookvalue-netotdebti Res<dentlaJ and Commeraal 1 ,858,857 Schools 174,481 Agriculture and Conservation 281 .501 Land, BuiidingaandEquipment'NorthAmericanrealestate 78,745 (Appreieed or inlemal eaieulahon vakie ■ net ot debt) Oil and Gas Propsrtes 52,984 (BdCkv«lue) W*»1» $6,324,887
Kamehamaha Schoois aeaka a«d irivites your vrtmen eommena on the developmental »nd eOueawnal need» ot Nativ» Heweiian mimen, AH eommeht8 wi be cenaideted In estaokaning, cr«atirig and reahaping ongolng »nd Wure e<fije»ton*l proQrama snd InWalNea in otder to entend the Sehoola' maeh to aetve mote people ef HewWen aneeatty. Pte«e aend Hl cemmetit» by e-mW in cere ot webnteeter9ktbe.edu or by vm«ng to the Chiet Ex*«u8ve Ot8eer, Kwnehemeha Sohoola, R.O, Box 3488 Honoluk), td 98601. Th* oomplei» t*xl ot Kamahameha School> Annual Rapon Juty 1 , (999 - Juna 30. 2000 1» avatabto on our weoail* at httpVwv(vt,k»b*.*du. To r«ou*tl • copy by man, pieaaa wtit« to KS Annuel R*port 1999-2000, Commurvc*Mni &vtaion, Kamehameha Sehooia. P.O Bo> 3486, HonoWu. Hl »8801