Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 6, 1 June 2001 — RE-RELEASES BY HAWAIIAN ARTISTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Pandanus Club: "Ua Mau" For years, Kenneth Makuakāne has leel this prollfic group whose hits inelueie "E Wai'anae" and " Honokahua Nani ē." Mainstays in the evolving group are Makukāne, Chris Keli'ia'a and Alden Levi. Described as the Millennium Series, "Ua Mau" was produced by Makuakāne and Keli'ia'a for Kawai Records.
Nā Leo Pilimehana: "Anthology ir Angela Morales, Lehua Heine and Nālani Choy are Nā Leo whose Hōkū Awards count numerous "Songs of the Year" primariiy by Heine (formerly Kalima). Choy's performance of "Just My lmagination " (one of three bonus tracks) ls fabulous. Produced by Nā Leo and Kenneth Makuakāne for NLP Music ine.
Genoa Keawe: "Party Hutast' Aunty Genoa's CD release of this old-time classic is a must for all who love "cha-lang-a-lang," lū'au music. Performing with her and pictured on the cover are Violet Pahu Liliko'i, Vickie 'Ī'I Rodrigues, Pauline Kekahuna and Benny Rogers. Produced by Don McDiarmld Jr. for Hula Records.
The Brothers Cazimero: "The Sound of the Sea Surrounds Me" This landmark Caz album now on CD features Robert's sultry rendition of "Kūhiō Beach" and a "Rolandesque" version of "Ka Na'i Aupuni" perfect for Kamehameha Day celebrations. Produced by JdM for the Mountain Apple Company.
June 9, 1 0 — "The Fairs at Mission Houses Museum." The annual fancy fair combines with the 23rd Hawaiian Quilt Exhibit and Ka Hō'ike Mo'olelo at the Mission Houses Museum. Loeal crafts and entertainment. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mission Houses Museum. $4. For information, eall 531-0481. Tues., June 12-Fri., June 22 Camp Likolehua. A week-day, day eamp for summer arts ,for youths ages 7-12, Camp Likolehua will explore music, dance, drama, crafts and more. Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. $225 eamp fee. To register or for information, eall 808-967-8222. Sat., June 1 6 — Heiau elean-up. Charlie Ogata leads the vol-
unteer elean-up effort at Kawa'ewa'e, a luakini heiau in Kāne'ohe. Be prepared for a short, uphill hike and water. Work includes trimming and weeding both inside and out of the ancient stone platform. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Meet at the end of Līpalu St. off Nāmoku 235-1088. Sat., June 1 6 — Kilo Hōkū at Haleakalā. Join Haleakalā National Park staff for star gazing and lore. Be prepared for cold weather by dressing warm and bringing a hot a beverage, as well as a sitting mat and a red filtered flashlight. 7:30 p.m. Hosmer Grove Campground. Free, but $10 park admission may apply. For information, eall 808-572-4459. Sun., May 20 — "A Walk on the Wet Side" at Haleakalā. Spend the afternoon in a cloud forest at Haleakalā National Park
and the Nature Conservancy's Waikamoi Preserve. The five-mile hike is moderately strenuous. Wear shoes with good traction for mud, and bring a snack. Noon. Hosmer Grove. Free, although $10 park entrance free may apply. For information, eall 808-572-4459. Fri. June 22-Sat., June 23 King Kamehameha Hula Competition. Hundreds of dancers from hālau representing Hawai'i and Japan compete in categories of kahiko (ancient), 'auana (modern) and oli (chant). Fri. 6 p.m., Sat., 1 p.m. Neal Blaisdell Center Arena. Tickets from $8.25 - $40. For tickets, eall the NBC Box Office at 591-2211. Sat., June 24 — Eō! 2001 Concert. Former students of Darrell 'Ihi'ihilauākea Lupenui who eon-
tinue his hula legacy will join in concert. The event is intended to become an annual reunion of the Men of Waimāpuna and the Ladies of Ke 'Ala o ka Laua'e. 4-8 p.m. Castle High School's Ron Bright Theater. $35 (reserved), $10 (general). For information and tickets, eall 2922738 or email hula@ kawaihoa.org. ■
Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, Hl 96813-5249