Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 5, 1 Mei 2001 — Mei 2001 MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Events of interest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the ealen- - dar on a space-availahle basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.

Tues., May 1 — Brothers Cazimero 24th Lei Day Concert. Robert and Roland serve up the very best in Hawaiian music and dance in this annual extravaganza featuring the legendary hula stylings of Kumu Hula Leinā'ala Kalama Heine. Also featured are Hālau Nā Kamalei and The Ladies of Nā Pualei O Likolehua. 7:30 p.m. Waikīkī Shell. $23.50, $17. For tickets, eall 526-4400 or on line at www.ticketslive.com. For information, eall The Mountain Apple Company 597-1888. Sat., May 5 — Holokū Ball 2001. Keali'i Reichel headlines the scholarship benefit of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu. "Ola Ana

Kona Ho'oilina " (his legacy lives on) is the theme celebrating the legacy of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, founder of the club. The annual gala features the finest in Hawaiian attire, a scrumptious dining, a silent auction, and entertainment. Also performing are Mahi Beamer, Kealoha Kalama, Nā Keiki o Kamehameha, the club's Kaiolohiomāmala choral group. Kimo Kahō'ano will serve as master of ceremonies. 5:30 p.m. Hilton Hawaiian Village Tapa Ballroom. $70. For tickets, eall 426-1073. Sat., Sun., May 5, 6 — Mānoa Orchid Show. Hundreds of varieties of orchids will be displayed and sold. Lectures and demonstrations of general orchid culture are highlights. 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (Sat.), 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (Sun.). Noelani School, 2655

Woodlawn Dr. For information, eall 247-3345.

Sun., May 6 — Annual Family Fair. Sonny Ching's Hālau Nā Mamo O Pu'uanahulu presents their annual 'ohana day with crafts, door prizes, a keiki carnival, 'ono food and more. Entertainment by Kanalo, Sean Na'auao, Weldon Kekauoha, Coldn, the Hyper Squad Dancers, the hālau members and more. Billy V. or FM 100 will emeee.10 a.m.-4 p.m. D.A.V Hall and Park, Ke'ehi Lagoon, 2685 N. Nimitz Hwy. For

information, eall 848-7700 or visit online at www.sonnyching.com Mon.-Sun., May 7-13 — Hawaiian Quilt Guild Exhibition. The Honolulu Academy of Arts presents examples of quilts ranging from traditional to modern, bed size to miniature. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Tues.-Sat.), 1-5 p.m. (Sun.). Academy Art Center (Linekona), 1111 Victoria St. Free. For information, eall 532-8700. —

— """ ^4» ,v. Last year, t1 leaf-clad haumāna from Roosevelt High entered the Secondary Schoot Hula Kahiko Competttion. This year's event will be held May 12.

Sat., May 1 2 — Hawai'i Secondary Schools Hula Kahiko Competition. Middle and high schools from around the state compete in hula kahiko categories of kāne (male), wahine (female) and hui 'ia (co-ed). Sponsored by the Kalihi-Pālama Culture and Arts Society. 10 a.m. Kapolei Middle School. $6. For information, eall 521-6905. Sun., May 13 — New Exhibits at the Academy of Arts. " Nā Maka Hou: New Visions" will showcase 100 works of leading contemporary Native Hawaiian Artists. Exhibition runs through June 17. " Pūpū o Ni'ihau: An Exhibition of Ni'ihau Shell Leis" will showcase the finest in traditional Hawaiian Art form. Exhibit runs through Sept. 30. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Tues.-Sat.), 1-5 p.m. (Sun.). $7 general, $4 students and seniors. For information, eall 523-8700.

Sat., May 1 9 — Kupulau Aloha Lū'au. Ka Pā Kū Kaiāulu, a school of Hawaiian culture and dance under the direction of Kumu Hula Dwayne Ku'ualohanui Kaulia, presents their annual spring event. Activities include door prize giveaway, crafts, food, and entertainment by Del Beazley, Hālau Hula o Hōkūlani, the Mo'i Sisters and other guests. This drug-free and alcohol-free event is a benefit for the hālau's participation in upeoming hula competitions on Hawai'i and Kaua'i. 8:30 p.m. Yama's Royale Ranch in Pearl City. $20 pre-sale, $25 at door. For information eall 386 6521, 668-4122 or email lounaoada@aol.com Sat., May 1 9 — Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center Open House. Participate in hands-on art projects and take your creations home. Food concession and children's activities, including train rides. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Hui No'eau Visual Arts

Center, 2841 Baldwin Ave., one mile below Makawao. For information, eall 808-572-6560, ext. 8. Sat., May 1 9 — Moloka'i ka Hula Piko. The llth annual celebration of the birth of hula on Moloka'i will be presented by Hālau Hula o Kukunaokalā, Kumu Hula John Ka'imikaua and the Moloka'i Visitors Association. Halau and music groups will perform throughout the day. Hawaiian food specialties and crafts will be available for purchase. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at Pāpōhaku Beach Park at the Kaluako'i Resort. Free. For information, eall 808-553-3876 (Moloka'i). May 1 9 — Wai'anae-Ka'ala Trail Hike. The Hawai'i Nature Center leads this strenuous hike to 0'ahu's highest peak. Reservations required. For additional information, eall 955-0100.

Wed.- Sat., May 23-26 — Ka Ulu Lauhala o Kona Festival. Keauhou Beach Resort presents a Hawaiian art and music celebration under the guidance of kupuna Elizabeth Malu'ihi Lee and friends. For reservations and information, See CALENDAR on page 13

CALENDAR from page 9 eall Barbara Kossow at 808-329-5226 (Kona). Mon., May 28 — 1 7th Annual Kahikolu. Hālau Hula o Maiki pays tribute to its founder, Kumu Hula Maiki Aiu Lake, called the "mother of the Hawaiian renaissance." Entertainment with lots of hula. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Francis High School, Mānoa. For tickets and information, eall the hālau at 9550050. ■