Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 5, 1 May 2001 — We, the people [ARTICLE]

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We, the people

To the ones that have concerns for "we the people" - The arrogance and tyrannical behavior displayed by Ben Cayetano is typical of present day Democrats and Republicans. These are the same people, that contrary to their beliefs, are the employees - not the employer. "We the people" are the employers. We need to teach these "public servants" a lesson. "We the People: need to take back our government. These pompous "public servants" need to be put into their proper plaee. I do hope that the teachers, professors, golfers, retirees, parents and young people of voting age never forget what these two parties have saddled us with, especially the leader of this two-headed serpent, Ben Cayetano. I do hope that the next and future elections that the injured, "we the people," will slowly weed out these arrogant tyrants and drum them out of office. How, you ask? by voting into office all together different party members. Another strategy is to not re-elect incumbents. Familiarity breeds contempt. By not re-electing them, we correct part of this deplorable condition. Let's form a coalition to elean up

the government. Interested? Call me at 455-1277. W. Ho'opi'i Makanui Jr. Pearl City