Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2001 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

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Kamehameha Schools is offering tuition money for eligible students in grades K-12 to attend the Department of Education (DOE) summer school program for the summer of 2001 . Contact your DOE principal's office or eall 842-8167 for information and applications or visit our Website at www.ksbe.edu/finaid. Eligibility requirements © Enroll at an eligible DOE summer school program site © Be of Hawaiian descent © Demonstrate financial need Applications may be picked up at eaeh summer school site beginning on April 1 , 2001 . Applications must be returned by May 25, 2001 to the Kamehameha Schools Financial Aid Department. Please eall 842-8167 for further information. Check with the schools in your district for eligible summer school sites. Please note that summer school schedules are no longer standardized throughout the state. Eaeh school may have different start and end dates, daily hours, and registration dates. Tuition may also vary from school to school depending on the number of hours, but a maximum tuition of $140 will be provided for a 120-hour program. All programs are dependent on settlement of the DOE teacher contract negotiations.

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