Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 April 2001 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
■ ,■■•' ■->:;■. ■ , •■>•- : - : ^ ' ' V'i;; . \- •• CONVENTION DELEGATES
Hawaiians fromHawai'i to Ni'ihau and throughout the \vorId. We were
£ 1 > },- MOKUHAWAH ATL4BGE Lani Bowman Ruby MeūonaW Becky Kawaihae Walter Victor HILO DISTRICT Joseph Hao Arthur Hoke Maurice Kanawaii PUNA DISTRICT Moku Young KAU DISTR(CT Rafael Hulihee KONA DISTRICT Kaliko Chun KOHALA DISTRICT \iimmy Clark HAMAKUA DISTRICT Reynolds Kamakawiwoole MOKUMAUI. K. MOLOKAI. LANAI ATLARGE Sol Kahoohalahala Charles Maxwell HANA DISTRICT Taua Pahukoa MAKAWAO DISTRICT Blossom Feiteira WAILUKU OISTRICT Kehaulani Rlimoeatu Clarence Kamai LAHAINA DISTRICT MaryHelenLindsey MOLOKAI, KALAWAO Jeanette Kahalehoe LANAI DISTRICT Gayften Kahoohalahala MOKU HONOLULU ATLARGE Louis Buzzy Agard Momi Cazimero Bruss Keppeler Charles Rose EAST HONOLULU Roy Benham Oaniel Nahoopii Myron Thompson CENTRAL HONOLULU i Maikai Hanaike Elmer Kaai Peggy Hao Ross WEST HONOLULU Dante Carpenter Nalani Gersaba Sesnita Moepono Ho'oipo Pa Martin MOKU EWA Kelii Ching Kauila Clark Leia Huhbard Glenn Oamilda EWA BEACH Kanani Akaka AIEA Tara Tauala
MOKU WAIANAE ATtARGE Clarence DeLude Hoaliku Drake Glenn Kila Poka Laenui NANAKULI, LUALUALEI ŪISTRICT Kamaki Kanahele Tony Lenehanko MAILI, WAIANAE DISTRICT Herbert Hew Len MAKAHA-KAENA DISTRICT Miehael Hikalea, Jr. MOKU WAHIAWA. ATLAR8E Ululani Beirne Laakea Kaumaoha Oawn Wasson James Woolsey WAHIAWA MILILANI DISTRICT Allan Mokuau WAIALUA DISTRICT James Awai KOOLAULOA DISTRICT Kunani Nihipali ATIARS£ Noiman Aweau Ikaika Hussey MeMn Kalahiki Bumpy Kanahele KAHALUU DISTRICT Keliko Hoe KANEOHE DISTRICT Solomon Naluai JimmyWong KAILUA OISTRICT Keoni Agard WAIMANALO DISTRICT Miehael Hikalea, Sr. Leona Kalima mokukauai&niihau HANALEI Cathy Ham Young ANAHOLA *HenrySmith KAWAIHAU Liberta Hussey Albao LIHUE Kaiopua Fyfe KOLOA Christobel Kealoha WAIMEA NIIHAU Judy Naumu Stewart MOKU KAMAAINA Chalmers Akima Dolly Crawford Reidar Smith David West CONTINENTALUS, ALASKA Dewey Clark Victor Pang Mahealani Shellabarger *Deceased delegates
( pjj04 Arthor Hoke Chairperjon _
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INOEPENPENOE MOPEL Hawai'i nahonal Constitution will be supreme law of the independent government. Jurisdiction over entire archipelago, sea and sky. Citizenship open to Kanaka Maoli throughout the world; and non-Hawaiians through naturalization process. Native Hawaiian and general human rights protected through Hawai'i nahonal Constitution. Two governing bodies: • Kumu Hawai'i, elected by and comprised of Kanaka Maoli only, with management of "ceded" lands, control of immigration and population, indigenous education and health care, international protocol, and cultural rights. • General government, elected by all citizens, with general governing powers. Critical issues, including constitutional amendments, alterations in balance between Kumu Hawai'i and general government, and nahonal security must be agreed to by both bodies. Elections and voting open to ali citizens, with Kumu Hawai'i available to Kanaka Maoli only.
INTEGRATION MODEl . — i U.S. Constitution will supercede Hawai'i Constitution lī8S£sr 5 ■• ' •■■■•■:. Jurisdiction over "ceded" iands and Hawaiian Hometon^£.f*>i|H further expansion through purchase of lands. Citizenship open to Kanaka Maoli throughout the "/ ? Native Hawaiian rights protected through Hawai'i M Constitution, within sphere of U.S. constitutional rights. Democratically-elected government with Executive, r Legislature, and Judicial branches, Executive: must be resident of Hawaii Archipelago Legislative branch: ' • One house apportioned based on resident Mf populahon • Other house elected based on geography (moku) , Judicial must be resident of Hawaii Archipelago ., %* Elections and voting open to Kanaka Maoli only. 1
For more information you may contact Hā Hawai'i at ph: 521-3829; ToIl Free Ph: 1-877-597-1889 • Fax: 521-3809 • E-mail: hahawtiii@hotmail.com website: www.hawaiianconvention.com • or your Moku Delegate ■n Yes, I would like to hear raore about the delegates* proposals. Pleaae eonlael me to schedule a ei.nl. NAME ■ nHn ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCOOE ĪELEPHONE FAX E-MAIL Plea.ie return thi.< reply lo: Hā Hawai'i • PO hox 37728 • Honolulu, Hawai'i 96837