Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2001 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

^ M A R K E T P L A C E Mākeke ciassifleds °nly Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: 6 1 O Cn OHA at 711 KaP''olani B'vd., Honolulu, HI 96813. ▼ I fc"OU Make eheek payable to OHA.

FOR SALE, KULA, MAUI: DHHL, 50% Hawaiian needed. Residential Lease for Sale. Unobstructed scenery view of Kaho'olawe, Kīhei and West Maui. lst. best offer. Call: 808-373-1387 or 292-5858. FOR SALE, WAI'ŌHULI, KULA, MAUI: 1 acre residential Lot 51. Map available at DHHL. Call Mrs. Awai @ 808-878-6165 (Maui). MOLOKA'I HOMESTEAD LOTS: For Sale or Trade for Hilo home; One agriculture lot with

house, equipment, irrigation water, and One house lot. Call: 808-488-4115. 'OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For Graduation, weddings, pohtieal party lū'au, etc. Real ono, ffesh frozen, $189 - gal, $95 - 1/2 gal. CaU 262-7887. PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES: 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2car enclosed garage, excellent condition, on eul de sac. $165,000. Call: Loretta at 808-671-0692.

NĀNĀKULI HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS: 01der 4-bdrm, 1-1/2 bath home on huge 22,000 sq.ft. Lot. Looking to exchange for homeland property in Waimānalo. Call: 808-234-2307 or 808-223-9041. SALE BY OWNER, BIG ISLAND, WAIMEA: 2-years, home comer lot, 3-bdrm, 3-bath, garage, solar, insulated walls, $130,000, offer. Call: 808-885-2747 or 808-883-2747. E-mail: jacinth@webtv.net. ■

Advertising in Ka Wai Ola o OHA, at www.OHA.org Interested in cost effective advertising to a larse Native Hawaiian readership, then you cannot afford to overlook the Ka Wai Ola o OHA. It has the largest readership of any Hawaiian publication with more than 58,000 distributed throughout Hawai'i and on the continent. Copies are also available at all public libraries and are distributed to Hawaiian agencies and offices throug h°ut the islands. For detatials on web and publichation advertising rates, eall OHA's Public Information Office at 594-1980 for your media kit. Change of address? Call 594-1980 for a subscription update. ' v .. -- -- * 1

NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that Archaeological Consultants of the Pacific, ine., (ACP) represents Mr. Robert Bothman in an archaeological study of TMK: ( )5-3-03:14. At least seven unmarked burial sites have been previously identified on these parcels located in Kalihiwai ahupua'a, Hanalei district, island of Kaua'i. Based on stylistic observations and informant testimony, it is believed that the remains are most likely Hawaiian and proper treatment shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E of the Hawai'i Revised Statutes regarding burial sites. The decision whether to preserve in plaee or disinter and relocate the human remains shall be made by the Kaua'i Island Burial Council in concert with the wishes of lineal descendants. The eouneil is requesting descendants of Alahipa (LCA #11065), Heau (LCA #8127), Heke (LCA #8129), Kaina (LCA #9071), Kaumana (LCA #9128), Kea (LCA #9260), Kekaululu (LCA #9285), Kekoa (LCA #9148), Keoki (LCA #9281), Kikoi (LCA #9840), Kunihinihi (LCA #9262), Kupihea (LCA #9221), Lunalilo, W.C. (LCA #8559-B), Mahina (LCA #10075), Mainui (LCA #10072), Makuakane (LCA #10090), Manaka (LCA #10079), Manewa (LCA #10078), Mauele, I. (LCA #10091), Naehu (LCA #10434), Nohomalie (LCA #10318), Pepeiaonui (LCA #10596), Pupu (LCA #10647), Sila (LCA #1 1030), Wahahua (LCA #10958), or families of Hawaiians who onee lived in Kalihiwai Ahupua'a, Hanalei District, or who may have knowledge regarding these remains to immediately contact Kalā'au Wahilani of the State Historic Preservation Division at 808-692-8015 or Debora Driscoll of ACP at 808-638-7442 to present information regarding appropriate treatment of the human remains. Individuals responding must be able to adequately demonstrate a family connection to the burials or the ahupua'a of Kalihiwai. ■ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Metcalf Construction Company, ine. has discovered three sets of human skeletal remains during construction work for the Waimānalo Kūpuna Housing Project at TMK (1) 4-1-19: 32 in Waimānalo, O'ahu. There are no Land Commission claims or Grants in the immediate vicinity, though it is on Hawaiian home lands. Persons having knowledge of the identity or history of these human skeletal remains are asked to contact DHHL staff Darrell Ing on O'ahu at 586-3844. Treatment of the human remains shall occur in accordance with NAGPRA rules and guidelines and Section 6E-43, HRS with intent to relocate within the project site. Individuals making a elaim must be able to adequately demonstrate family connection to the human remains or to the ahupua'a of Waimānalo. ■ » *