Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2001 — Grants revamp [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Grants revamp

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs' GSPD program (Grants, Subsidies, Purchases and Donations) is aligning with state procurement law. New application guidelines and deadlines are being formulated and will be published upon completion. In 1993, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs initiated its GSPD program as a pilot project. Since then, OHA has awarded more than 160 grants totalling more than $5 million for a myriad of projects ranging from pre-natal programs and AIDS case management to Hawaiian language

immersion transportation services to the construction of the Makali'i voyaging eanoe, and the renovation of Lunalilo Home for Hawaiian kupuna. "The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is not closing its grants program," explained OHA Administrator Randall Ogata. "Rather, we are striving to meet procurement codes while still supporting programs and projects that enhanee the lives of Native Hawaiians." For applications and information, eall 594-1926.


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On March 20, the OHA Board of Trustees and the Hawalian Homes Commissioners met in a rare jolnt meeting at the Department of Hawaiian Homelands headquarters. DHHL Director Ray Soon, in his 1 1 years at the department, recalled a jolnt meeting happening oniy enee before. OHA Chairperson Haunani Apoliona suggested another, perhaps at the end of June, to discuss OHA's master plan whieh, by then, should be ready to roll out for discussion. Photo: Manu Boyd