Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2001 — FBI ad [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FBI ad

It is disgusting to me that OHA would allow the FBI to run a recruitment ad in its newsletter. Aunties, uncles, cousins, what are you thinking? Have you forgotten what the FBI did to the Black freedom movement, or to our native brothers and sisters of Moku Honu (the continent)? That our brother Leonard Peltier, one of the greatest warriors of our time has been suffering in prison for 20-plus years for a crime that everyone knows he did not commit, because of the FBI? That the FBI recently eame out in force to protest when Bill Clinton considered pardoning Brother Leonard? Do you think having Hawaiians in the FBI is going to help us? That they will somehow help to move the movement forward, or make for peaee with Unele Sam? These are really serious times, people. Forget X-Files. We have all got to wake up and smell the kolo naio. and stop living in a fantasy. The FBl's mission is to protect America's interests, at any cost. It has killed many men, women and innoeenl children. Annie Mae Aquash was a beautiful sister of the American Indian movement. The FBI killed her in cold blood, then cut of her hands "for fingerprints." The FBI fire-bombed the MOVE House in 1985, killing all the ehildren inside. They will use our own brothers and sisters to try to destroy everything we are fighting for, in any way they ean. It's far too late to pretend that

everything is alright. It's not. We should have aloha for every human being on this Earth, but we are at war. Please, for the keiki, do what is pono, not what makes a few dollars at the cost of our soul. Me ka 'oia'i'o. Laulani Teale Kahalu'u