Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 4, 1 April 2001 — Shafting beneficiaries [ARTICLE]
Shafting beneficiaries
The trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have onee again jbused the Sunshine Law of the state by not permitting open discussion and deliberations in the seleclion of the vendor for a $774,000 education contract, showing disdain for its beneficiaries and the public. After a marathon executive session March 9 ending about 6:35 p.m., the chair simply announced that under the procurement code, the trustees had selected ProComm; then the chair adjourned the meeting. However, this is a critical eampaign focused on educating the community on Hawaiian rights and entitlements whieh need to be protected from ihe onslaught of lawsuits by misinformed individuals who consider Hawaiian rights as special favors for a minority. But OHA is also guilty of pieeemealing. What is the total cost of the campaign whieh includes an office in Washington, D.C., lobbying in Congress and a media campaign nationally and locaIly in support of the Akaka Recognition Bill whieh we know undermines true self-determination and clears the title to the ceded lands for the
state, places Hawaiians under the corrupt Departments of Interior and Justice (who stole about $10 billion from the Native Americans) and limits the Hawaiian Nation to the lands that are part of the federally established Hawaiian Home Lands leased only to native Hawaiians? OHA should follow the proper state laws and treat their publics with respect. Obviously, the trustees only speak words. They do not understand PONO. Lela M. Hubbard 'A i'P^