Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2001 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

What do you really know about Kamehameha Schools?

While you have probably read mueh about Kamehameha Schools in the daily news over the past few years, we bet your knowledge about our educational programs and accomplishments and our endowment policies is hmited. The simple matching test below is designed to help you find out just how mueh you know or don't know. Take the test and eheek out your I mua Quotient (we've provided the correct answers at the bottom of the page)!

A. KS operates « 31 preschools enrolling 1,100 3- and 4-year-olds statewide. I


1) Quality kindergarten through grade 12 education 2) Quality prenatal/pre-kinder-garten educational services 3) English literacy skills 4) Hawaiian culture and language 5) Quality diverse career development opportunities 6) Stewardship of lands and resources 7) Balancing educational and cultural values with eeonomie returns 8) Protecting our land legacy 9) Developing new resources 10) Establishing business alliances to create learning opportunities and scholarships Bonus question: Whieh Hawai'i independent school is the largest in the nation?

F. KS Press publishes Hawaiian history and cultural curriculum materials in English and Hawaiian.


G. Since 1977, KS students and staff have planted more than half-a-million koa seedlings on 1,200 acres of KS land on the slopes of Mauna Loa.

B. KS provides $250,000 in financial aid to Hawaiians interested in careers


in vocational education and computer technology through ALU LIKE'sx Employment and \ Training Program and Hawai'i Technology Institute.

H. KS partner j Goldman Sachs established an ' $874,000 fund to provide college scholarships for ■ Native Hawaiians

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C. KS protects and enhances its watersheds by maintaining catchment, storage, drainage and filtration systems along with vegetation buffers to prevent erosion of soil into streams. D. The 366,000 acres of Bemice Pauahi Bishop's ancestral lands (52% agricultural, 46% conservation and 2% residential, commercial and resort) are at the core of


I. Kamehameha's K-3 Reading Program provides DOE schools with large Hawaiian M populations instructional support, additional staff, parent workshops and tutoring.

KS' efforts to maximize spending | for educational purposes while ensuring the growth of the endowment. I


ī. The Ke Ali'i Pauahi

Scholarship Fund has been created to generate new sources of revenue through development and fundraising activities.


E. KS enrolls 3,550 K-12 students at its O'ahu, Maui and Hawai'i campuses. One hundred percent of the class of 2000 applied to and were accepted to 2- and 4-year colleges nationwide.

Check your I mua Quotient: Eaeh correct answer (listed below) is worth 20 points.

180 or more: You're a Genius 140-179: Gifted and Talented 100-139: Above average Below 100: Please eall 842-8881 for more information on our programs, or eliek on "KS Strategic Plan" under Planning on our home page at www.ksbe.edu.

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kamehameha schools Founded and Endowed by the Legacy of Princess B emiee Pauahi Bishop