Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2001 — RECENT RELEASES BY HAWAIIAN ARTISTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Brother Noland: "Hawaiian lnside" "Aloha ka Manlni," "Kalena Kal" and an original, "Ke Kama a'o Hina" cowritten with brother, Tony C., illustrate Noland's commitment to traditional Hawaiian. " Great Hawaiian Man" is a poignant stand-out. Produced by Tiki Talk Records.
Keoki Kahumoku and Herb Ohta Jr.: " Hawaiian From the Heart." Sons of Slack-key and 'ukulele masters, the youthful duo easily perform ciassics with vocals primarlly by Kahumoku. Guest artists include Owana Salazar and Oeean Ka'owili. Produced by Roy Sakuma Productions ine.
R.J. Kaneao: "Flipside" Predom!nantty reggae. the collection features such origlnal bailads as " Please be Mine' and " Hawai'i Calls to Me." "A modern tribute to Waipi'o !s preceded by an oll by Kanlela Akaka. Produced by lsland Heat Records.
Native Blend: "Native Blend" The titie cut blends Hawalian wlth reggae with a chant refrain that says "a new era is upon us, we are ioyal Hawaiians wlth a new song." Members: Greg Sakamoto. Trudy Torricer, Chris lyokl ond Josh Oguma. Produced by Lester Gantan.