Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 3, 1 March 2001 — Hālauaola [ARTICLE]
The international hula conference being organized by the Edith Kanaka'ole and Lālākea Foundations is taking shape, according to organizers. The event will be held in Hilo July 28-Aug. 4, and is intended to breathe new life, authenticity and cultural sensitivity into the internationally-acclaimed dance See NEWSBRIEFS on page 13
NEWSBRIEFS from page 4 * form. "There are more people outside of Hawai'i who teach and dance hula," said Conference Coordinator Noe Noe Wong-Wilson. Japan and Mexico alone count thousands of schools teaching hula. "Ka 'Aha Hula 'O Hālauaola is designed to provide a meaningful, cultural experience to those who do not have the benefit of practicing this Hawaiian tradition in Hawai'i. Hilo offers a variety of venues, cultural sites and landscapes that embody the hula in both spiritual and body forms." The conference is open to all, and will feature dozens of kumu hula and other resources who will conduct classes, lectures, panel discussions and site visits. As many "po'e hula" are encouraged to participate and help shape this important endeavor of foundations dedicated to the well-being and perpetuation of the myriad traditions associated with hula. To register or for information, eall 808-934-7722; fax 808-974-7708; email hula @hilo.net; visit online at www.hulaconference.org, or write to Ka 'Aha Hula 'O Hālauaola at P.O. Box 6159, Hilo, HI 96720.