Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 2, 1 February 2001 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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w" Ka Wai Oia o OHA is a free monthly newspaper of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, with a circulation of nearly 60.000, and a readership of more than 120 000 t Ka Wai Ola effectiveiy serves the Hawaiian Hl community by reporting on critical issues m that impact not only Hawaiians. but the entire community, and is posted onllne % atwww.OHA.org. %v. ln addition to news, Ka Wai Ola %tt,provides a forum in whieh OHA * trustees address concerns and L ' express their mana'o. Ka Leo Kaiāut f !u, the letters to the editor section, is K d public forum for readers to speak f fheit mind. Feature stories add to I12l^ ImĒĒĒĒi - Ka Wai Ola's popularity, covering fe'.- community events, health isswes, Hawaiian-owned busiHT5e' nesses, music and the arts, ^ education. historic sites and HK , ' ' other related topics.

Advertisp in Wai ( )!a n ŪHA

lf you are interested in advertising effectiveiy to a large Native Hawaiian readership, then you ean not afford to over look the Ka Wai Ola o OHA. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA has the largest readership of any Native Hawaiian publication and is mailed eaeh month to homes statewide and on the continent. Copies are available

at ali public iibraries, and are distributed to Hawaiian agencies and offices throughout the islands. Annuai readership surveys help to shape the publication with public input, ensuring its optimum effectiveness as a communication tool for all Hawaiians. Request a media kit today and take a cioser look at the Ka Wai o Ola o OHA,

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