Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 2, 1 February 2001 — Pepeluali [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in non-0 'ahu phone numbers. Feb3 — Hō'ike: Hālau Hula o Leilani. Kumu hula Leilani Bond of Kaua'i presents ancient and modern hula and Tahitian dances by keiki and adult smdents from Kaua'i, Nevada and Oregon. Guest performers include Darlene Ahuna, the Lim Family and more. Come experience a night of Hawaiian

tradition at the Kaua'i War Memoiial Convention Hall. 7 p.m. Ticket located at various outlets. For information, eall 808-823-0501 Feb. 3 - Lā 'Ohana. 'Ahahui 'Ōlelo Hawai'i, in celebration of Mahina 'Ōlelo Hawai'i (Hawaiian language month) presents their annual family day. Opening ceremonies by Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Kamakau. Entertainment by Kilinahe, Hālau o ke 'A'ah'i Kū Makani, Hālau Kapōmakolekapuakāne and more. Also, a high school oli and ha'i'ōlelo competition. 9 a.m -3 p.m. Kapi'olani Park Bandstand. For infonnation, eall 5285453.

Feb4 — Kama'āina Sunday at 'Iolani Palaee. Free docent-guided tours are offered to Hawai'i residents with I.D. of the official residence of King Kalākaua and Queen Lili'uokalani (no children under age 5,

please). Tours given from 9 a.m.- 2:15 p.m. Palaee galleries open until 4 p.m. 'Iolani Palaee, Honolulu. For reservations and information, eall 522-0832. Feb. 11 - "The Love We Share." Hālau i ka Wēkiu, in preparation for their Menie Monarch debut, presents their third annual Valentine's concert of music, chant and hula. Led by Kumu Hula Veto Baker and Miehael Casupang, the group won top honors at last year's King Kamehameha Hula Competition and released at hālau CD recording. 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Mamiya Theatre. $20 (matinee), $25 (evening). For tickets, eall 595-7294 or email wekiu3@aol.com

Feb 11 - Family Sunday, Island Style. Bishop Museum welcomes the 21st century with another great, entertaining day for the entire family. Explore the engaging museum exhibits or sit back anel relax and listen to island bands on the Great Lawn. Hear renowned scientists interpret the world about them. Island crafts and 'ono food available. For information, eall 847-351 1 Feb. 16-18 - Kūkahi2001. Kumu Hula Keali'i Reichel and Ke 'Ala o ka Maile present the 6th annual Kūkahi with pre-concert entertainment by Kumu Hula Hōkūlani Holt-Padilla and Pā'ūohi'iaka. 7:30 p.m. Maui Arts and Culture Center. For information, eall 808-224-SHŌW.


Feb. 17 - Kawa'ewa'e Heiau. Join this volunteer effort in helping to maintain Kawa'ewa'e Heiau in Kāne'ohe. Bring a snack and water, and be prepared for a short, uphill hike. 8:301 1 :30 a.m. Meet at the end of Līpalu Sl off Nāmoku. For information, eall 2351088. Feb. 18 - Ho'omau 2001. O'ahu Hawaiian language immersion schools and Punana Leo preschools present their annual fund-raiser concert of top island music. 4 p.m. Waikīkī Shell. For tickets, eall 591-221 1. (See Special Events Feature, page 7). Feb 19 - 17th Annual Great Aloha Run. Hawai'i's largest participatory event raises funds for numerous island charities, encourages a healthy lifestyle, pro-

motes physical fimess and brings people from all over the world together. The 8.15 mile iWwalk starts at Aloha Tower in downtown Honolulu and ends in Aloha Stadium. The event is preceded by a three-day health and fitness expo at the Blaisdell Center. For registration and fee information, eall 528-7388. Feb 20 — Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Concert. The 2001 honorees of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame honors Genoa

Keawe and the 176-year old Haih Church Choir of Hilo. Hawai'i's top entertainers including Mahi Beamer, Nina Keali'iwahamana and the Kahauanu Lake Singers are among performers. 7:30 p.m.

Hawai'i Theatre. For tickets and information, eall 5280506. Feb. 23-25 - Second Annual Tabiti. Fete of Hilo. The best in Tahitian dance comes to Hilo featuring loeal troupes and hālau hula as well as "Ori Here," a visiting dance company from Faaa, Tahiti. The competition includes a solo Mr. and Miss Hilo Tahiti, junior group otea, tamari'i children's exhibition, junior and senior

music and drumming competition and more. Guest performers include Darlene and J.J. Ahuna; Ikaika Brown and Kohomua; and Bruddah Kuz. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. $10 per day, $25 three-day weekend pass. For tickets, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to PuaTahiti Productions, P.O. Box 10688, Hilo, HI 96720, visit online at www.menehune.com/tahitifete/ or email PuaTahiti@aol.com ■

IA ORANA, ALOHA — Hilo's 2ndTahiti Fete kicks off Feb. 23