Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 2, 1 February 2001 — Nā hana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai: 2001 OHA Board actions to-date [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Nā hana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai: 2001 OHA Board actions to-date

ALOHA MAI kākou e nā 'ōiwi o Hawai'i. This third in a series of 48 KWO articles highlights the past month's work of the OHA Board. On Dec. 26, the day of selecting Apoliona as chairperson and Cataluna as vice chair, the board agreed to pursue intervention in Barrett vs. State. Although the complaint was filed Oct. 3. OHA had taken no steps to intervene. On Dec. 28, OHA's attorney advised Judge Chang of intent to intervene during the hearing on motions from the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation on behalf of the 'Ilio'ulaokalani Coalition; Kobayashi and Klein on behalf of the State Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA), and Kahawaiola'a, LeeLoy and Day. On Jan. 3, OHA's Board appropriated trust funds, directed OHA's attorney to file the intervention and established a combined group of Trustees, attorney and staff to shape OHA's strategy on the consolidated Carroll and Barrett cases for Board approval. On Jan. 4, OHA filed the motion in Federal Court with a motion to shorten time for a hearing. Four days later, Judge Chang heard OHA's motion to inte'rvene in Barrett vs. State. Barrett's attorney opposes OHA's intervention and had until Jan. 16 to file

written opposition. OHA's response was filed Jan. 19. Barrett's attorney previously opposed intervention by the SCHHA and the 'Ilio'ulaokalani. On Jan. 16, Judge Chang granted SCHHA and 'Uio'ulaokalani permissive intervention

status. Juage unang s decision on OHA's status is pending. The March 12 hearing before Judge Ezra on a "preliminary injunction" on the Barrett matter is the next critieal date. OHA eontinues to refine and implement additional community education and legislative strategies in the context of the federal liugation and congressional aeīion. In addition to decision making on the federal litigation,

the Board approved committee leadership and membership on Jan. 3. (See page 1). The Board composition of nine is dynamic because one-third are entirely

new members to OHA; one-third are members who served until Sept. 8, (two were re-elected and one elected for the first time); and one-third were appointed as interim trustees (two were re-elected and one elected for the first time). Bringing all nine to

an equal level of information and understanding is a priority. On Jan. 4, the BOT reviewed OHA's current year's budget information as compared to the proposed hiennium budget approved by the Interim Board submitted by OHA Administration to the Legislature before the swear-ing-in of the electeil Trustees. Additionally. decisions made by the lnterim Board and the current status of implementation of the OHA master

plan, the Native Hawaiian Comprehensive Master Plan and OHA strategic plan initiatives were presented by Administration to the Trustees. On Jan. 1 1, the BOT continued its

review of the status of actions taken by the governor-appointed Interim Trustees with issues including the U.S. Post Office Building, Hina Malailena, the community-based bank, the Kekaha Armory Lease, funds for the Ni'ihau School of Kekaha, the Waimānalo Kupuna Project and the OHA/DHHL First Hawaiian Bank home loan program to name a few. On Jan. 18, the BOT reviewed the status of the OHA Master Plan, the Native Hawaiian Comprehensive Master Plan process and underscored for OHA administration the Board of Trustees' commitment to complete OHA's strategic plan and the long overdue plans. On Jan. 25, the BOT reviewed and inputted to a draft of the overall Carroll /Barrett strategy, considered appointment of Trustees to investigate and make recommendations regardmg policy on beneficiarv benefits and conferred with % CEO Hamilīon McCubbin regarding the Bishop Museum campus. The federal litigation and the 2001 Legislature advances forward. An upcoming matter will be the results of the Report on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs being completed by the state auditor for the 2001 Legislature. ■



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