Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 18, Number 1, 1 January 2001 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I Ma ka noi'i nowelo nō ka 'ike — through the seeking of information com.es knowledge.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, through its regular publications, information and Intemet services, strives to provide useful information to the community, bringing you current information on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, its Board of Trustees, programs and services. Beginning this month, two new publications, the OHA Informational Guide and the OHA 2000 Annual Report reflecting activity from July 1, 1999June 30 2000. will be available online. Among items currently available online at www.oha.org are OHA's monthly Ka Wai Ola o OHA newspaper, the OHA discussion forum, the Native Hawaiian jl Data Book, the SMS public opinion survey, ceded lands maps, Board of Trustees apenHas/minutes and mnrp
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WWW()HAORr. offlce of Hawaiian affairs 711 kapi olani Blvd.. Suite 500. Honolulu. Hl 96813 DESIGNED AND PRODUCED By THE OHA PUBLIC INFORMATION OfFICE
Mākeke Classifieds only $12.50 ANINI BEACH L0TS IN KAUA'I: 3/4 sq.ft. and 6,247 sq.ft. Call: Harriet at 808-696-7232 for details. AWARD-WINNING 'OHANA MAGAZINE: Put lished 6X/yr by Hiloan Mel Ozeki $23. 4-Color, cultural stories of locals and expatriots. Box23091( LasVegas,NV 89123.
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to OHA at 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honohilu, H1 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
WANTED: Lot on Waimānalo DHHL homestead. Please eall Keonaona at 808-259-5378, if available. HOME FOR SALE, »- PRINCESS KAHANU ESTATES: Desirable 2-story 3/2.5, den, garage, loads of ), upgrades. $165,000. (LH) Danielsen Properties, ine. 808-235-1500, or 808-235-3171.
LOT FOR SALEKALAMA'ULA, MOLOKA'I: Residential Lot, 50% Hawaiian required. For more information eall: 808-668-8898. 'OPIHI FROM BIG ISLAND: For Graduation, weddings, political party luau's, etc. Real ono, fresh frozen, $189 - gal, $95 - 1/2 gal. Call O'ahu: 808-262-7887.