Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 12, 1 December 2000 — OHA pono? [ARTICLE]
OHA pono?
One incumbent talked about eommitment to fostering aloha, in the absence of agreement, understanding and joy, ironical!y affirming OHA as the wrong plaee for us. What is not pono cannot be the source of healing. We are the victims of the foremost world power. It has trampled over our inherent rights and lands. Its legacy is genocide. Do you believe that OHA is going to lead Hawaiians to our optimal future? Washington, D.C., has made it clear: second-class self-determina-tion for kanaka maoli. Most of you couldn't care less in the name of "trying to help." There was a time for acquiescence. Resistance meant non-survival. Stop perpetuating the U.S. cover-up. The piiee is too high! The so-called "nation within" isn't really a nation. 0HA's future is for Hees, Conklins and their like, under the thumb of their sovereign, Unele Sam. For true mo'olelo, read the Polynesian. Experience history in the making at December's World Court of Arbitration. Our honorable ancestors were in harmony with intemational law. Do you care? If we say "aloha 'oe" to the honorable past, we reap pono 'ole. God help our descendants. Mueh aloha. Angeline "Pee- Wee " HopkinsLocey and son, Miehael Anahola
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