Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 12, 1 December 2000 — OHA trustees-elect [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA trustees-elect
Rowena Akana Two-yearterm, At-large OHA trustee since 1990. Previous board chair, former radio broad-
caster and counselor.
Haunani Apoliona Four-year term, At-large OHA trustee since 1996. Resigned her OHA trustee seat and was not
reappointed by the govemor. She is a former president/ CEO of Alu Like ine., and a Hōkū award-winning musician.
Don Cataluna Four-year term, Kaua'i /Ni'ihau Retired sugar company executive; Kaua'i Community College lecturer.
Was appointed by Gov. Cayetano to OHA interim board, but resigned with other members and was not reappointed.
Linda Dela Cruz Four-year term, Hawai'i lsland Homemaker. Was a singer and musician for 40 years, and has also
operated a hula school. Has been active īn community organizations lobbying for Hawaiian and agricultural issues.
Clayton Hee ] Two-yearterm, O'ahu Chairman, OHA interim Board of Trustees; has been an OHA trustee since 1990 and chairman
for eight years. He was also a state senator, state representative and educator.
Colette Machado Four-year term, Moloka'i/Lāna'i OHA tmstee since 1996. Educator, businesswoman. Was reappointed to her OHA board seat as an
interim tmstee. Is a Kaho'olawe Island Reserve commissioner.
Charles Ota Two-year term, Maui Governor-appointed interim trastee. First nonHawaiian to serve on the
OHA board. Family history counts five generations in Hawai'i. He is a businessman, former Maui County eouneilman University of Hawai'i regent.
Oswald K. Stender Two-year term, At-large Real estate broker/consultant and vice president of American Land Co. He
is well-known as a former Bishop Estate tmstee and was chief executive officer of The Estate of James Campbell.
John Waihe'e IV Two-year term, At-large Son of former Gov. John Waihe'e. Following in his father's foot steps,
Waihe'e takes office for the first time representing a new generation of OHA trustees. * ■