Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2000 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Planning a reunion? Looking for family information? Ka wai Ola o OHA 'Ohana Reunions eolumn welcomes submissions for publication. Send us your information including family name, event date, location and contact information. Reunion announcements are run free-of-charge, on a space-available basis. Send information to Ka Wai Ola at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813, faxto 808-594-1865 or email to oha@aloha.net. |
Kahanaoi/Pomaikai — A KahanaoiPomaikai reunion lū'au is tentatively scheduled for October 2001 . For information, eall Jeanne Kahanaoi at 6687911. Kaleo/Tilton — Descendants of James Makoleokalani Kaleo & Louisa Kau'a Tilton are having a reunion on Memorial Day weekend. Please contact us if you have pictures of ancestors to bring to the reunion. For information, please contact: Lorraine Adolpho @ (808) 244-0663, Douglas Sado @ (808) 244-5647, or Pedro Sado Jr. @ (808) 572-0185 email: PMMPUKA@aol.com. We will look forward to hear from you as soon as possible. Mahalo. Kawa'akoa — A reunion for the descendants of John W. Kawa'akoa Sr. (18691956), born in Kaupō, Maui, will be held Nov. 23-25 at Mā'ili Beach Park. Nov. 23 event will be firom 1-7 p.m. For information, eall Lei Nālei'ehā at 247-8838 or Dorcas Chun at 623-2773. Manuhoa-Kamakapiipii — The descendants of Manuhoa and Kamapiipii are having our 2000 reunion Nov. 25-26 (Thanksgiving weekend) in Kona at the Kahalu'u Beach Park's main pavilion. For information, write to reunion president George B. Pereira, 73-4540 Māmalahoa Hwy., Kaiula-Kona, HI
96740 or eall 808-325-7137; or Lucy Tagavilla, P.O. Box 838, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745, 808-328-2132. McKeague — We are in search of McKeague 'ohana descending from John "Tūtū Haole" McKeague and his children Zachariah, Louis Mahiai, Daniel, Robert John, Caroline and Daisy. Family would like to update its mailing list, form a reunion planning committee and review genealogy information. Contact Laurie McKeague at 626-1901, 273-2952 (pgr), email mckeaguel001@hawaii.rr.com or write to 95-1032 Aoakua St., Mililani, HI 96789. Tilton — A reunion is planned for the descendants of James Makoleokalani and Louisa Kauwa Tilton. There offspring are Mary Kahinu Kaleo (Ahue), Isaac Kilinahe Kaleo, Charles Kanaina Kaleo, Bessie Kekaukapu Kaleo (Pedro), Thomas Kauloakeahi Kaleo, Florence Kuuleikaimana Kaleo (Ichinose) and Nancy Kaiminaauao Kaleo (Sado). The event will be held on Maui next Memorial Day weekend, May 25-27. A family reunion is being planned on the island of Maui. For information eall Lorraine Adolpho, 244-0663; Douglas Sado, 2445647; Pedro Sado, 572-0185; ore-mail PMMPUKA @ aol.com Wright -Kaaukai/Koo -Kapahunui — The descendants of William E. Wright
and Emily Kaaukai and Henry Koo and Rebecca aka "Lipeka" or "Kailioha" Kapahunui are planning a WRIGHT "ohana reunion for 27-29 July 2001. William and Emily's son, Thomas Harris Wright and his wife, Kailani Koo had many children, including William Ellis Wright, Sr., Rosetta (Wright) Ha'o, George Fox Wright, Lucinda Kinia (Wright) Kaeo, Charlotte Wright, and Harris Ellis Wright. Also looking for descendants of other children of Thomas and Kailani who are unaccounted for. Henry Koo and Rebecca Kapahunui had 5 children; Henry Kahaawinui, Kailani Koo, John Au, Loka(k) and Kaeo(k). We are also looking for volunteers to help on various committees. For more information, next meeting date, location and time, contact, on Oahu: Ethelynne at (808) 845-1673 or send email to tine@iav.com; Alvin K. Wright,(808) 845-4713, or send email to hereigo@gte.net; Alane Daht, (808) 84501 14 or send email to alane.dalit@gte.net; On Big Island: Renee Carvalho (808) 959-0353 or send email to reneec@hawaii.edu; On the Mainland: Sherrilynn K. Flowerree (San Diego, CA)(619) 264-4433 or send email to shksf@pacbell.net. Waikīkī Neighbors of the 1930s — There will be a gathering of Waikīkī Neighbors of the 1930s on Nov. 24, 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. with a no-host buffet luneh from 1 1 a.m. -2 p.m. at the Queen Kapi'olani Hotel. Lokelani Richards Silva will be visiting from Hilo, and has prepared a program of introduction of famihes; sharing of stories and photos; bring 'ukulele to sing along; etc. Waikīkī has been upgraded with trees, plants and ponds providing a niee time to walk along the beach with 'ohana. Famihes include Akaka, Aoki, Bishaw, Brissette, DeFries, DeRego, Donnelly, Ellis, Ewaliko, Hoke, Houghtailing, Hunt, Huihui-Chong, Ibaraki, JacksonBader, Joy, Kaawakawoa, Kaeo, Kanekoa, Karratti, Kiahi, Kosaki, Lau, Lorch, Makuakane, Mossman, Nahalelua-Kia, Nakamura, Natto, Notley, Ornellas, Padeken, Parker, Punohu, Rasmussen, Richards, Robinson, Tahara, Williams, Yamashita, Yamashiroya and many more. Contact the fohowing neighbors for more information; or make your reservation with the hotel. Be sure to tell them you wish to be seated with the Waikīkī Neighbors. Lokelani Richards Silva Hilo 808-959-3894-on Oahu - Peachy Ewaliko Bishaw 923-8004; Kuuipo Bishaw Woolsey 259-5182 and Maile Lorch Duvauchelle 833-8842 Mailed@aol.com. ■