Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2000 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'M' 1 1 1 "% |j| ^ ' lBBBBBBBB&iiiSI^^HHl^iL - ti 1 1 '• j jHBBBte p SH| ^ !^l S|Ls9 C®RBfcwn»>««— __ n^ ' ' -^5 KflH<rti M' »r—ra»w*y— — », jE » -"7 ^n i^^^^^T^^^^B!i^Bl^^^BflMb^^^^^^P!lii^BlllllIIII9Bjif W$&& ^J^^Bl^wN»i8i '' Z % \% $ggj^ĒW*p 7^ > iPlll ' ~'" mi» MB i^Kg ^^Ka&iWK^»! ... 1 . • ^§©^^Ēs[g£j Jf - ; . |- W ' "s Kāpi*^ 'i,. ' »H*WpBwBl!5-., , - I gmĒ •.,- i',|7 Ltf ; -■- ■, —-— . .... 11.1 ■ 'iii; . .-;^^^^te(l3N5H, H Jjjf^L - Just 5 minutes to downtown ^SISP^B|j ^?%C-9& - J ^ess ^311 1 nūi® to schools kapahu st. 1*255s2sS»» '" j Bordered by Kahana Stream with native vegetation j Planned residential community with community park ( ] Everythingyou'veeverwanted WB ■■ "'.. j 3 Bedroom/2.5 Bath up to 2,018 sq. ft. under roof ^/Tff 1 1/1 illlMA £) -" Starting from only $185,900 1 f$-'i? OPEN HOUSE Sunday November 19 1 to 4pm For native Hawaiian qualification infbrmation, Follow the signs on Kapahu Street. por Sales information eall James Kometani, ine., Realtor at 591-8166

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You may not know me because I work quietly anel cooperatively

p\ease Re-elect i^''-- ?mm W$kW w WjSĒI

When the value and potential of Native Hawaiians are fully developed, all Hawai'i will benefit Paid for by Friends of Louis Hao Chairperson Terri Hao-Sayre P.O. Box 95 1 Wailuku, Hl 96793 www.louishao.com • email louishao@louishao.com

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