Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2000 — Technology training [ARTICLE]
Technology training
The Hawai'i Technology Institute, a nationally accredited institution, announced testing of apphcants for its Spring Session to begin in February. The course will cover such topics as basic keyboarding, computation, basic eommunication, computer fundamentals, career development, databases and more. Testing, whieh will take plao? at Kawaiaha'o Plaza, Hale Mauka, 567 South King St., Ste. 105, from 8-11 a.m., will be held on the following days: Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 8, 5, 22 and 29; Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 26; and Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23. Testing is to determine course entry level. For information and specific Spring Session dates, eall Alu Like ine. at 535-6770. ■