Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 10, 1 October 2000 — Elections [ARTICLE]

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As Hawaiians, we are all under attack by the Rice case ruling. We are not helpless — we ean fight back. How? With our voting power. there are over 100,000 registered Hawaiian voters. If every registered Hawaiian voter votes in November, we ean vote Hawaiians back in to OHA. We are the ones to teach Ken Conklin and Freddy Rice a lesson. With our voting power, we ean make change within OHA too. Haunani Apoliona, Colette Machado, Frenchy DeSoto and Hannah Springer all supported Clayton Hee and tried to push through a deal for ceded lands. Machado, DeSoto and Hee killed the kupuna Health plan. Haunani Apoliona met with kupuna and told them she supported the kupuna plan, but when I checked the minutes of the board, she voted against the plan. We ean make a change. Let's use our votes against Conklin, Apoliona, Hee, Machado, DeSoto and Springer. Many good kanaka are running for the OHA. Let's put some good Hawaiians into office. Aloha pumehana. Clarice Keli'iho'omalu Honolulu Attention all kupuna. Now is the time you ean act to bring about change in OHA. Remember the kupuna health initiative? Trustees Mililani Trask, Rowena Akana, Louis Hao and Hannah Springer tried three times to get it passed. Trask, Akana, Hao and Springer supported the health proposal because they knew that many kupuna could not pay for prescription medication. Although many Hawaiian health professionals supported the kupuna health initiative, it failed. Why? Because the majority of the OHA Board voted it down. Clayton Hee, Colette Machado, Haunani Apoliona and Frenchy DeSoto killed the kupuna heahh initiative. It's time to dump Machado, Apoliona, Hee and DeSoto. Don't vote for Machado, Apoliona, Hee and DeSoto. Vote for the trustees that supported the OHA kupuna Heahh initiative. Aloha. Kupuna Lawrenece "Unele Larry" Pikoi 'Āina Haina I was dumbfounded to see familiar names that were running for the position of OHA Trustee. Mr. Roger Grantham stated, "I don't have any vendetta against the Hawaiian people or culture." (Honolulu Advertiser, Sept. 19). In May, Mr. Grantham expressed in a letter to Senator Lott about the "Apology Bill" that "There was very little to apologize for in the first plaee." He went on to say, "I fought for this country and I am very tired of hearing this RC. rubbish, how Ameriea ripped off the native Hawaiians."

Is this the kind of people we want running OHA? Another name that made me fall off my chair was Richard Thompson, who, earlier, sent me some rubbish via mail featuring pictures of dead babies. It talked about Germany and Auschwits. I would rather have board room brawls than a man who sends such propaganda with pictures of dead people. Finally we have Mr. Kenneth Conklin who wants me to deny my ancestors and culture by having a "race-free Ameiiea." Get real! His sole purpose is to dismantle OHA. Is that in the best interest of me or my people? Again, I would rather have board room battles than a man who thinks he is Hawaiian. Adrian Kamali'i Honolulu Haunani Apoliona, Hannah Springer, Frenchy DeSoto and Colette Machado were the Lōkahi Team four years ago. They have proved they don't know what lōkahi is. First, Apoliona, DeSoto and Machado dumped Clayton Hee, because they said he was not trustworthy. They put DeSoto in as chair. Later, they changed their minds and voted Hee back in as chair. When Hannah Springer voted independently, they dumped her for Cataluna. No more Lōkahi Team. It's time for a change. Harry Kealohapau'ole Sr. Kapālama

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