Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 10, 1 October 2000 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I | U.S. general public □ OHA should not advocate 3. From the following developmental/age generated service levels, please rank the options below in order of importance. I | Keiki (age 0-5) I | 'Ōpio (age 6- 1 8) □ OHA should focus on families I | Makua(age 19-54) I | Kūpuna (age 55+) I | All age levels are important Demographics Please tick the appropriate category 4. 1 am Q Female [/] Male 5. 1 am: □ 'Ōpio (6-18) □ Mākua( 19-54) I | Kūpuna(55+) 6. 1 graduated from: I | High school I | College □ Grad. school

□ Tech. school I | None ■ 7. My household ineome is: □ $25,000 or less □ $26,000-50,000 □ $5 1 ,000- 1 00,000 □ $ 1 00,000 or more ■ 8- □ I am Hawaiian □ I am not Hawaiian ■ OHA is considering doing a follow-up survey onee the results of this survey are complete. ■ The follow-up survey will further refine the priority areas defined in this sutvey. Would you be interested in participating in the follow-up sur- - vey? □ Yes I I No lf you answered "yes", could you please eall the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at ® 808-594- 1 888 to provide your name and address. ■ Additional comments may be submitted along with this form. I ® Mail to: Biennium Budget Survey, Attn: _ AS0, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani I Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813 1