Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 10, 1 October 2000 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Due to the growth in popularity of the Ka Wai Ola o OHA, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is presenjtly building a compieteiy new and updated mailing list. All present subscribers to the Ka Wai Ola o OHA will have to submit a new request to be placed on the publication mailing list. If you do not send a subscription request your name will be removed from our records, regardless of the duration of time you may have been a subscriber. To avoid unnecessary removal from our list please reply promptly with the attached subscription request form. Reply today or before December 3 1 to ensure your continued subscription to . th e Ka Wai Ola o OHA.

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( OHA Biennium Budget B The Office of Hawaiian Affairs appreciates your mana'o as it prepares its hiennial budget to the State Legislature. With a broad mandate to provide for the betterment of all Hawaiians, OHA has adopted a spending rate that helps to halanee the objectives of maintaining the principal of the Native Hawaiian Trust . m Fund (NHTF) and producing stable, and predictable spending. A eommon question that is asked is "why does OHA request funds from the Legislature, doesn't it have over $364 million dollars in the NHTF?" The answer is yes, but these Puhlie Land Trust Funds (funds provided to OHA pursuant to Section 5 69 of the State of Hawaii Admissions Act) are earmarked specifically for Hawaiians of at least 50 percent blood quantum. Obtaining general funds from the ■ ■ Legislature allows OHA to serve Hawaiians of any blood quantum, whieh is OHA's mandate. Your participation in the questionnaire helow will help OHA in pri- ■ ■ oritizing its efiforts while protecting the NHTF for future generations.Your answers to this questionnaire will help OHA set priorities for specific budget proposals from OHA divisions, as well as from the general puhlie. It will also help OHA to set advocacy priorities for the upcoming two years. Mahalo for your kokua. Note: Statewide hiennium budget presentations have been cancelled. B

I. Please choose anel rank the 5 areas that you ■ feel woulel most benefit Hawaiians, with I being the highest ranking anel 5 being the lowI est ranking. : □ Self-determination I | Language and culture : □ Land issues ■ Q Training for the OHA board I □ Education for sc ool children ■ □ Health I Q Higher education □ Jobtraining I | Legislative advocacy I | Educate the public about Hawaiian issues " 2. Please prioritize where you think OHA should focus its advocacy efforts, with I being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest pri- ■ ority. I | State legislature ■ Q State governor □ United Nations I | U.S. Congress I | U.S. President 1 □ General public in Hawai'i