Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — Sovereigniy defined [ARTICLE]
Sovereigniy defined
What is sovereignty? Sovereignty is the ability of a person to share a eommon culmre, religion, language and land base; to exercise control over his land and his life independently of other nations. In order to do this, one must be self-determining. Self-determination is when one organizes a mechanism for self-gov-emanee. This will happen when Native Hawaiians create a governmental structure whieh will prove a democratic representation of its members, and when they begin to inter-relate with the state and federal agencies who presently control the lands of Native Hawaiians. When this takes plaee, Native Hawaiians will be able to gain control of their trust assets and of their destiny for the future.
Self-sufficiency means one must be able to be self-supporting, eapahle of feeding clothing and sheltering himself. These are the three elements one must have in order to achieve his own self-being. Sovereignty. Clara Kakalia Kailua