Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2000 — CALENDAR From page 12 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CALENDAR From page 12

for the largest party on O'ahu including nine entertainment stages filled with Hawaiian music and dance, more than 30 food booths and a variety of lei vendors. 7-10:30 p.m. Kalākaua Avenue. Free. Fri., Sept. 22- Sun.. Sept. 24 — Hula 'Oni Ē Hula Festival The three-day Hula 'Oni Ē Festival features

a competition īn nula kahiko (ancient hula) and hula 'auana (modern hula) schools. Hula, music, arts and crafts and more. Tapa Ballroom, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel. For information, eall 6763001. Sat., Sept. 23 — Waialua Taro Festival

Waialua, O'ahu will celebrate taro farming with entertainment, ono foods, arts and crafts, laulau recipes contest and educational booths. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Lili'uokalani Church grounds. Free. For informaūon, eall 637-9364 or 637-5708. Sun., Sept. 24 — Race for the Cure The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation presents its 6th annual benefit fun-run. Participation will support research, education, screening and treatment of those fighting a disease prevelent in Native Hawaiian women. For information on this event or future Native Hawaiian Cancer Studies, eall Papa Ola Lōkahi at 536-9453.

Tliurs., Sept. 28- Sun. Oct. 1 — Maui County Fair The Wailuku War Memorial Complex will host the Maui County Fair, featuring a parade on Thursday at 5 p.m. and a fair on Saturday and Sunday. Featured will be entertainment, rides, games, floral displays, a healthy baby contest, arts and crafts, a livestock tent and a food court showcasing

island specialties. 5 p.m. Thursday, all day until midnight Saturday and Sunday. Wailuku War Memorial Complex. $3.50 for adults and $1.50 for children. For information, eall 808-242-2721. Sat.. Sept. 30 — Floral parade and ho'olaule'a Moloka'i's Aloha Festivals celebration will

highlight a one-of-a-kind, floral parade through Kaunakakai Town. After, head for the Mitchell Pau'ole Center for a ho'olaule'a featuring loeal entertainers, games, arts and crafts and 'ono food. 9 a.m. Kaunakakai. Free. Sat., Sept. 30 — 16th Annual Kohala Country Fair "Wili Ka Lei Laule'a" (weaving a lei of happiness) is the theme for the 16th annual Kohala Country Fair and features live Hawaiian musicians, loeal arts and crafts, 'ono food and a silent auction. Other activities include merchandise booths, keiki events and country contests from art to spam carving. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Hāwl, Noith Kohala, Hawai'i. For information, eall 808-889-5025. ■