Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Hueu — A reunion is planned Sept. 22-24 in Ke'anae, Maui, for the descendants of James Keolaokalani Hueu Sr. and his wives, Nancy Ah Chock Roback and Esther Kekahuna. Offspring are James Keolaokalani Hueu Jr., Nancy Ihu, the late Sarah Ka'auamo, Nellie McCarthy, Lois Cummings, Angeline Apo, Jacob Hueu and Irene Kalawai'a. For updated information on the Hueu reunion, write to Meleana Aloy, 257 Ho'ola'i St., Pearl City, HI 96782; 'Opu'ulani Kuluhiwa, 75 E. Waipu'ilani St., Klhei, HI 96753; or Kimberly Thomas, 104 Au'oli Dr„ Makawao, HI 96768. Kahanaoi/Pomaikai — A Kahanaoi-Pomaikai reunion lū'au is tentatively scheduled for October 2001. A potluck planning meeting will be held Sun. Sept. 10, 5 p.m., at the residence of Jeanne Kahanaoi, 87-568 Farrington Hwy„ across ffom Mā'ili Cove. For informaiton, eall Jeanne at 668-7911. Kahunanui/ Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Elizabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion Sept. 22-24. Contact Harry Kahunanui, president of the reunion committee, at 808-878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at 808-244-2121. We will be more than happy to send you past minutes and update the 'ohana on what's being done and what needs to be done. Aloha kākou. Kamanu wai — All Kamanuwai descendants including Kāneakua, Harbottle, Keawe, Contrades, Kalima, Kekuna and Kaimuloa branches are invited to a family reunion, Oct. 6, at Lydgate State Park pavilion at Wailua, Kaua'i. For information, eall Pat Harbottle
Machado at 7373-0070, Loke Kahiapo at 259-7389, Sam Kekuna at 677-7452 or, on Kaua'i, Elma Kāneakua at 821-2084. Kauauanuiamahi — 'Auhea 'oe e nā 'ohana o Keli'ionahuawai (k) and Kaua'iokalani Kana'e Kauaua (w) and their children: Papa'i Kauaua (w) who married Kaiwi (Job) Piena; Kamaka Kauaua (w) who married John Kamake'e Kuhaulua; Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua (w) who married Kahno Ka'ilipo'aiau; Apuakahei Kauaua (w) who married Kahuiokeaumiki; and Moeloa Kauaua (w) who married Mataio (Matthew) Ke'alo (aka Kaiwi). A family reunion is scheduled Sept. 23-24 at Wailoa State Park in Hilo. The theme is "Nānā i ke Kumu." For information, eall or write Moses Kuamo'o Moke (Pelekikena), 328 Todd Ave„ Hilo, HI 96720, 808-935-2595; or Joan Ai at 808-244-9353 (Maui). Lovell — Henry Glendon, son of Māhoe Lovell, would like to share genealogical information with interested family members descending from Joseph and Mary Holokahiki Lovell of Kaua'i. For information, eall 5246177. McKeague — We are in search of McKeague 'ohana descending ffom John "Tūtū Haole" McKeague and his children Zachariah, Louis Mahiai, Daniel, Robert John, Caroline and Daisy. Family would like to update its mailing hst, form a reunion planning committee and review genealogy information. Contact Laurie Mc Keague at 626-1901, 273-2952 (pgr), email mckeaguel001@hawaii.rr.com or write to 95-1032 Aoakua St„ Mililani, HI 96789.
Wright-Kaaukai/Koo-Kapahunui — The descendants of Wihiam E. Wright and Emily Kaaukai and Henry Koo and Rebecca aka "Lipeka" or "Kailioha" Kapahunui are planning a reunion for July 27-29, 2001. William and Emily's son, Thomas Harris Wright and his wife, Kailani Koo had many children, including William Elhs Wright Sr„ Rosetta (Wright) Ha'o, George Fox Wright, Lucinda Kinia (Wright) Kaeo, Charlotte Wright and Harris Ehis Wright. Also looking for descendants of other children of Thomas and Kailani who are unaecounted for. Henry Koo and Rebecca Kapahunui had five children; Henry Kahaa-winui, Kailani Koo, John Au, Loka (k) and Kaeo (k). We are also looking for volunteers to help on various committees. For more information, next meeting date, location and time, contact, on O'ahu: Ethelynne at 808- 845-1673 or send email to tine@iav.com: Alvin K. Wright, 808-845-4713; or send email to hereigo@gte.net; Alane Dalit, 808-845-0114 or send email to alane.dalit @ gte.net; on Hawai'i island: Renee Carvalho 808-959-0353 or send email to reneec @ hawaii ,edu: on the mainland: Sherrilynn K. Flowerree (San Diego), 619-264-4433 or send email to shksf@pacbell.net. Zablan — Hui O Zablan announces its annual reunion at Tree Tops Restaurant (Paradise Park, Mānoa), Sat. Sept. 23, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost for adults is $16 and for children ages 4-12, $7. Payment is due Sept. 16, and may by sent to Hui O Zablan, e/o Leatirce Zablan, 4220 Kīlauea Ave„ Honolulu, HI 96816. For information, eall 734-4779. ■