Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — KEPAKEMAPA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe event or the sponsors by OHA.

Tjrr " -~\r " Sat., Sept. 2- Sun.. Sept. 3 - Hula Fest 2000 Wai'ōhinu Park will host the fourth annual Hula Fest, a celebration of nā mea Hawai'i (Hawaiian things) with activities including authentic hula, master crafts people and music performed by some of Hawai'i's premier entertainers. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday. Wai'ōhinu Park, Ka'ū. Free. For information, eall 808-939-7525. Satt., Sept. 2 — Moloka'i Slack-Key Festival Milton Lau and Ka-Hōkū Productions will host the Moloka'i Slack-Key Festival, featuring great entertainment by Hawai'i's top slack key artists. 6-9 p.m. Moloka'i Ranch. Free. For information, eall 239-4336. Sat., Sept. 2- Sun., Sept. 3 — Queen Lili'uokalani Outrigger Canoe Race More than 2,500 eanoe paddlers will head for Kailua-Kona to participate in the Queen Lili'uokalani Outrigger Canoe Race, the world's biggest longdistance eanoe event. The course covers 18 miles between Kailua and Hōnaunau. Free. For information, eall

808-322-1073. Sun.. Sept. 3 — Kama'āina Day at 'Iolani Palaee 'Iolani Palaee, the residence of the last two rulers of the Hawaiian kingdom, is open for docent-guided tours on Kama'āina Sunday (the first Sunday of every month). Tours run ftom 9 a.m.-2:15 p.m. 'Iolani Palaee. Free admission for kama'āina with I.D. (Children under age 5 not admitted). For information, eall 522-0832. Sat., Sept. 9 - Ho'oulu i ka Na'auao Hawaiian Airlines presents " Ho'oulu i ka Na'auao: to Grow in Wisdom," produced and directed by Kumu Hula Sonny

Ching, who premiered the work at Camegie Hall in June. By popular demand, the production will be re-staged in Honolulu, with an impressive cast of 72 dancers from Hālau Nā Mamo O Pu'uanahulu and music by Māhiehie, the trio of Sam Kaina, Helene Woodward and Mark Tang. Ho'oulu i ka Na'auao

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Ukulele strains and music will ring out over the islands at myriad festiva! events this month.

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was pronounced, "more compelling than Riverdance" by Vdlage Voice dance critic Elizabeth Zimmer. 7:30 p.m. Blaisdell Concert Hall. Tickets are S30, $40 or $45, plus service fees. For information, eall 783-8006. r ocpt. I o — • Downtown Ho'olaule'a 0"ahu's celebration of aloha will start with a bang as downtown Honolulu's Bishop Street becomes a huge concert hall. Entertainment stages will showcase the best in Hawaiian music and dance, - multi-ethnic food booths and fresn flower leis. 6-10 p.m. Bishop Street. Free. For information, ca!f 589- 1 77 1 . Sat Sept. 16 — Heiau Clean-up Volunteer efforts to elean and maintain Kawa'ewa'e Heiau in Kāne'ohe continue. Bring water and a snack, and be prepared for a short, uphill hike. Meet at the end of Līpalu St. off Nāmoku, near the Pōhai Nani retirement home. 8:30 - 1 1 :30 a.m. For information, 235-1088.

Sat., Sept. 16 Floral Parade Ala Moana Park to Kapi'olani park the route of the Aloha Festi-

vals floral parade, ranked one of the top-three floral parades in the U.S. and among the top 25 parades of any kind in the

nation. Entertam- \ ment includes floral \ floats, pā'ū riders and specialty and riding units. 9 a.m. Ala Moana Park through Waikīkī. Free. For information, eall 589-1771. Sun., Sept. 17 - Honouliuli Preserve Hike

The steep Palikea trail in / Wai'anae mountains shelters more than 45 native plant and animal species. A guided tour of the trail by

Nature Conservancy hike leaders will offer rare views of central O'ahu and the Wai'anae coast. Honouliuli Preserve. Free. For ihforination, eall 537-4508 ext. 220. Pri., Sept. 22 ~ Waikīkī Ho'olaule'a Kalākaua Avenue, Waikīkī's main street, will open just to pedestrian traffic See CALENDAR on page 18 Ka Waī Ola O OHA accepts informa'.ion on i ol evems ih-oughoui ihe is!f.rids that are of intctcst : n the Hawaiian community. • ; Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activities, sports events and the like aie what we'd . ; ■% like to help you promote. Send infoiTnation : and color photos to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 7 1 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. ■

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