Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 9, 1 September 2000 — Against recognition [ARTICLE]

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Against recognition

The Akaka bill violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It creates segregation. Everyone born here in Hawai'i is Hawaiian, no matter what the race. We are a nation. The U.S. govemment wants to separate us as it has done to the indigenous Indians of North Ameiiea. OHA is for this bill because OHA is the keiki of the federal government and those jobs are at stake. The federal govemment admitted to the sin of stealing with the signing of Public Law 103-150. It is only right when you admit to a wrong, you correct it and make restitution. When are the thieves going to retum what they stole? When will we assert our rights as peoples of our Hawaiian heritage and demand they give back what they stole? If we let the Akaka Bill pull the mg out from under us, we will not have a plaee to stand. The federal govemment eame in as an intmder during the Spanish-American War and never left.

The intemational arena is aware the federal government is occupying these islands unlawfully and that the annexation was invahd. The world is now becoming knowledgeable of the violations of intemational treaties. KeAloha Aiu Honolulu