Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 7, 1 July 2000 — Keale mahalo [ARTICLE]

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Keale mahalo

The family of the Rev. Moses K. Keale Sr., retired trustee, says mahalo nui loa to the Ka Wai Ola staff for their beautiful farewell to the pillar of our family. Chairman Clayton Hee and Mrs. Gladys Brandt's eulogies gave everyone a ehanee to be part of Moke's services. Trustee Keale passed away on May 3 after withdrawing from dialysis. His decision was one of the bravest any dialysis patient ean make, for the outcome is inevitable. He spent his remaining days with the sun on his face, his whole family at his side, his favorite Hawaiian music, his favorite poems and scriptures and daily hālāwai (church service). We thank all who flew to Kaua'i to spend time with him. We thank everyone for your prayers and phone calls of aloha. A special thank you to Aunty Gladys Rodenhurst who kept his office efficient and cared for him

as her own, and to the OHA staff who joined in a farewell. We thank everyone for welcoming him into your homes and hearts, from his very first campaign to his retirement. To anyone we may have missed, we say thank you for showing your love to this humhle man from Ni'ihau. Dianne Keale and family Anahola