Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 7, 1 July 2000 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I Kamehameha Schools Draft Strategic Plan Now in Phase III of our year-long planning process, we are onee again meeting with members of the community to ask for your feedback. Please take the time to review the summary of the Draft Strategic Plan outlined below, based on months of stakeholder input and working group analysis. Attend one of the upcoming meetings in your community and share your mana'o. The complete text of the Draft Strategic Plan is available on our web site at www.ksbe.edu. A hard copy is available by calling toll free at 1-877-575-6582. Mahalo.

Vision Kamehameha Schools will be a dynamic and nurturing learning community committed to educational excellence. We will assist people of Hawaiian descent in their efforts to achieve their highest potential as "good and industrious men and women," who are: • Grounded in spiritual and Christian values; • Intellectually and socially self-sufficient, resourceful, resilient life-long leamers, enhanced by competitive skills and opportunities in the areas of their own choosing; • Responsible and contributing members of their multicultural and diverse communities; and • Practicing and living values and traditions of their Hawaiian ancestors. Mission Kamehameha Schools' mission is to fulfill Pauahi's desire to improve the capability and well-being of the Hawaiian people in perpetuity. We will achieve this by providing and facilitating a system of strategic, effective educational programs and services; perpetuating Hawaiian language and culture; and practicing pmdent and culturally appropriate stewardship of all resources. Guiding Principles • We will honor Pauahi's sacred trust. • We will think inclusively as we serve Pauahi's beneficiaries. • We will develop and operate our educational programs and services as a strategic system. • We will forge strategic alliances that benefit Pauahi's children. • We will regard our Kamehameha Schools 'ohana as a precious resource. • We will stand accountable for our words and deeds. Summary of Goals Goal 1 - Kamehameha Schools will serve more of the Hawaiian community by providing and facilitating a eonhnuum of integrated, quality educational programs and services. Goal 2 - Kamehameha Schools will nurture the development of strong family and community capacities to support a holistic approach to meeting the educational needs of Pauahi's children. Goal 3 - Kamehameha Schools will cultivate, nurture, perpetuate, and practice 'Ike Hawai'i (Hawaiian values, history, language and cultural practices). Goal 4 - Kamehameha Schools will foster the development of leaders who focus on serving others.

Goal 5 - Kamehameha Schools will optimize current resources and actively seek and develop new resources (financial and nonfinancial). Goal 6 - Kamehameha Schools will practice prudent and culturally appropriate stewardship of all resources. Goal 7 - Kamehameha Schools will continue to develop as a dynamic, nurturing, learning community. Priorities Upon adoption of the Final Strategic Plan, Kamehameha Schools will concentrate its efforts on priority areas identified in stakeholder surveys, needs assessments and as a result of our nearly year-long strategic planning discussions. These priorities are: • K-12 quality education • Early education • Literacy • Hawaiian culture and language ■ • Vocational education Schedule of Meetings July 7/7 Fri Waimea, Kaua'i- Waimea Neighborhood Center 6pm 7/8 Sat Lihu'e, Kaua'i- Kaua'i CommunrtyCollege 10 am Dining Room 7/11 Tues Nānākuli - Nānāikapono Elem. Cafeteria 6 pm 7/12 Wed San Francisco, CA - Embassy Suites 6 pm in S. San Francisco 7/13 Thur San Diego, CA-Embassy Suites 6 pm atSan Diego Bay 7/14 Fri Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Airport 6 pm Marriott 7/14 Fri Moloka'i -Kūlana 'Oiwi Halau 6pm 7/18 Tues Wai'anae-KS Hoaliku Drake Preschool 6 pm 7/19 Wed Punalu'u-ūueen Lili'uokalani Children's 6pm Center, Windward Unit 7/20 Thur Lāna'i- Lāna'i Seniors Center 6pm 7/25 Tues Kapālama-Kalama Dining Hall 6pm 7/28 Fri KS Hilo Campus - Multi-Purpose Room 6 pm 7/29 Sat Kona-Keauhou Beach Resort 10 am 7/31 Mon Las Vegas, NV - Golden Nugget 6 pm August 8/1 Tues W. Valley City, UT - Monroe Elementary School 6 pm 8/3 Thur Portland, 0R-Crown Plaza 6 pm 8/4 Fri Seattle, WA-EmbassySuites, 6 pm Seattle-Tacoma lnternational Airport 8/11 Fri Waimea, Hawai'i-tbd 6 pm 8/12 Sat Kohala - KS Kohala Preschool 10 am

KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS Founded and Endowed by the Legacy of Princess Bemice Pauahi Bishop