Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2000 — March gets support [ARTICLE]
March gets support
Diverse groups will eome together in support of Hawaiian justice in Washington, D.C., Aug. 1 1-12 at Aloha March 2000, reported spokesman Riley 'Ehu Cardwell. The National Headquarters of the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church and the National Council will march along with Hawaiians and their supporters. "We are very excited at the broadbased support that has been pouring in from these organizations," said march organizer Butch Kekahu of the Koani Foundation. "We look forward to joining with them in aloha and lōkahi in Washington D.C." Aloha March 2000 will travel from the U.S. Capitol along Pennsylvania Avenue. to the White House. A rally at the Ellipse behind the White House will follow. For additional information, eall Butch Kekahu on Kaua'i at 822-7643, visit the website at www.alohamarch2000.org or email alohamarch2k@yahoo.com