Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 June 2000 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kudos "I'm sure others will send in ideas to improve this wonderful newspaper but to me it is just great." "Keep the Uving water flowing." "You are my river. You are my roots. Keep up the good work." "We receive KWO onee a month, too bad not twice a month." "I love reading Ka Wai Ola o OHA" "Very interesting paper for Hawaiian people." "Good job of reporting." "The paper is excellent. Don't give it up, just give us more." "Receiving this paper is bringing Hawaii home to California." "We share this paper with others ffom Hawaii. You are doing all right." "This paper is the only written thing tying all of us together." Special favorites "Letters to the editors are especially of interest to me. They represent the true issues Hawaiians face." "I like articles that appear in the "eommunity in focus" section, the calendar of events and "OHA at the legislature." "Claire Hughes' eolumn is maika'i, number one." "The reunion notices are very helpful." "I like the fact you are printing more articles and stories in the Hawaiian language whieh is helping my studies." Complaints "I receive the paper after half the events of the calendar have passed. Tsk, tsk." "I don't receive issues in the current month. I would like to receive it perhaps a week or two earlier. We visit Hawai'i and would be able to plan our itinerary around your public notices." "Ka Wai Ola is not dehvered in a timely manner. Thank goodness for the Internet." "Trustees' messages should be focused on what they are assigned to do in their

committees." "I deeply resent the use of OHA funds to print trustee messages." "As a haole, I am turned off by personal attacks in the trustee columns." Suggestions "Feature articles and status reports on all grants and programs funded by OHA." "Hold organizations accountable for their funding by requiring reports in Ka Wai Ola." "More information on music, 'olelo and where OHA money goes." "Would like board meetings broadcast live on the world wide web with some limited auelienee participation via controlled passwords." "Cut out the tmstee views. Who cares!" "Do not print trustee columns if they contain namunamu stories about eaeh other." "We know what our trustees look like; we don't need their pictures in every issue." "Highlight a specific island trustee and his or her island issues." "Add more letters from the public, more radical views from both sides." "So many Hawaiians need more education and help with hving conditions. It would help if more people knew." "More stories on people who have eontributed to the good of Hawaiians." "You're star-stmck. Do you know anybody else? Feamre some Hawaiians in the prisons or on the mainland, poets, scientists." "I would like to read articles that showcase the positive effects of OHA's support." "I'd like to see the non-kanaka maoli viewpoint also." 'Talk more about sports." "You should have more pictures to get the viewers' attention." "Bigger print, simple English, no fancy stuff to impress people with one's usage of haole talk.'"Try magazine size." " Ka Wai Ola could be one fomm for edu-

cation about sovereignty issues, especially the promises that all models hold." "Taro and poi is a big issue so how about talking to some taro farmers about it?" "Indicate where more information ean be obtained on the web." "Change all your names to Hawaiian surnames and first names." "I would like to see a help wanted section to fmd jobs for Hawaiians." "More on Hawaiian land rights." "I would like to see more Hawaiian health and fitness tips." "Take a space and write about our kūpuna. They have so little time left with us." "We need to focus more on the voices of our keiki." "Address meeting the needs of Hawaiians of less-than-50- percent blood quantum. I feel discriminated against." "Tell us about all the different sovereignty groups, who they are and what they stand for." "Tell us what we ean do to move forward and become active in all things Hawaiian." Your comments on the issues "He hā'ole wau, akā, nui ko'u makemake e pau i nā huhū o nā trustees. E ho'oponopopno 'oukou a hana no nā po'e a pau." ( I'm a haole, but I'd really like to see an end to the trustees anger. Youfolks should ho'oponopono and get to work for all the people). "I can't believe these foreigners pay only a dollar for Maunakea. They should be paying us Hawaiians for using our land." "The issue here is the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. The wrong should be made right." "It would be niee to see some articles about the struggles of Hawaiians who are treated like haoles because of their lifestyle choices. Clearly there are a lot of us with 25 percent or less Hawaiian blood who stiŪ feel the connection to the 'āina and culture but are missing the aloha of the Hawaiian community." "Form a legislative watch committee to see who is for and who is against

Hawaiians and let the Hawaiians know who they are by name at election time." "How are Hawaiians benefitting from OHA?" "Why can't OHA own its own office building?" "I don't believe the trustees should set up their own retirement system." "I am 50 percent Hawaiian from Maui I love my people but I wish they would speak kindly to eaeh other." "I was disgusted to read of the Rice-Cayetano decision and also by Cayetano's push from office of our elected OHA officials." "I'm upset with the Supreme Court's mling in Rice v. Cayetano, but feel that Cayetano's description of the board as dysfunctional - yes, yes!" "Trustees should stop fighting. Maybe Governor Cayetano should replace all of them except Don Cataluna." "Why does Cayetano have the power to choose the trustees?" "We are pleased the trustees are united in the Rice vs. Cayetano fracas. We ean agree to disagree privately but publicly we must be pono as royal Hawaiians." "The latest ruling by the Supreme Court is really a blow to the Hawaiians. What's next? Things like this make me sick." "OHA needs to be free of USA influence. Practically every trustee has ties to the US. Govemment and are serving two masters." "Kamehameha wants the best. What about the rest?" "KWO reported a paltry 38 percent in favor of sovereignty. Do you think I believe that? Heek no." "I have been a resident of Hawaii for six years. I have mueh empathy for your phght. I hope you are able to achieve a nation-within-a-nation status mueh like the native Americans and the Alaskan Inuits." "I love Hawai'i and am proud of being on quarter Hawaiian. Sovereignty is unreahstic." "Overall, the sovereignty movement is giving Hawaiians pride and a purpose. To what end?" ■
