Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 Iune 2000 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

1. On whieh island do you live? 1. Hawai'i 21.9percent 2. Kaua'i 5.7 percent 3. Lāna'i no responses 4. Maui 3.5 percent 5. Moloka'i 1.7 percent 6. O'ahu 53.5 percent 7. Out of state or none of the above 13 percent 2. What is your sex? 1. Female 63.1 percent 2. Male 36.8 percent 3. What is your age? 1. Under 18 5.7 percent 2. 19-28 2.1 percent 3. 29-36 5.2 percent 4. 37-47 17.9 percent 5. 48-60 26.3 percent 6. Kupuna 42.5 percent 4. What is your education level? 1. Not a high school graduate 10.9percent 2. High school graduate 17.5 percent 3. Some college 38.5 percent 4. College graduate 16.6 percent 5. Master's degree or higher 16.2percent 5. What is your Hawaiian blood quantum? 1. 50 percent or more 52.6 percent 2. Less than 50 percent 41 .6 percent 3. None 5.7 percent 6. How would you describe your command of the Hawaiian language? 1. Native speaker 1.7 percent 2. Fluent 3.9percent 3. Moderate 25.0 percent 4. Limited 55.2 percent 5. None 14.9 percent 7. How often do you read the Ka Wai Ola o OHAl 1. Always 61.7 percent 2. Occasionally 38.2 percent 3. Never 8. How mueh of the Ka Wai Ola o OHA do you read? 1. Allofit 63.8percent 2. Someofit 36.1 percent 3. None of it 9. Whieh of the following do you turn to first to obtain news about Hawaiian issues? 1. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA 49.5 percent 2. Daily newspapers 28.0 percent 3. Loeal magazines no response 4. Television 12.7 percent 5. Other 9.4percent (Honolulu Weekly, KCCN, Intemet, family friends, all of the above, all but magazines) 10. Do your family members read the Ka Wai Ola o OHAl 1. Always 27.4percent 2. Occasionally 52.6 percent 3. Never 18.9percent
