Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 June 2000 — 2000 Ka Wai Ola o OHA Readership Survey RESULTS [ARTICLE]

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2000 Ka Wai Ola o OHA Readership Survey RESULTS

Mahalo to all of you who took the ume to answer our readership survey. Your participation this year eompared favorably with last year's. Onee again, more than half of the responses received eame from O'ahu, but there was a significant increase from Hawai'i. As in previous years, many more women than men shared their mana'o with us and kūpuna eonhnue to constitute the major group of respondents. For the 2000 survey, how-

ever, we had a significant increase in responses from our youngest group of readers, those 1 8 and under. Generally, you gave us high marks in most areas, although it seems we could provide more sports coverage. Your comments mean a lot and we have tried to share a representative sampling on the oppt>site page. Regarding your most frequent complaint, we regret that delivery is not more consis-

tently reliable. Eaeh issue of Ka Wai Oia is printed before the end of the preceding month. It is then sent to you via bulk mail, a process over whieh we have no control. However, we do promptly post the issue on the Internet and we invite you to access it on line. Please continue to keep in touch via regular mail, email and fax so that we ean adapt to your needs and serve you better. ■