Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 Iune 2000 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Akuna. Goo Tong — Descendants of Goo Tong Akuna (k) and Puakailima Kaholokula .Akuna (w) are hosting a family reunion Aug. 1 8-20 on Moloka'i. For information. eall Jo-Ann K. Naehu Simms on Moloka'i at 558-8150, fax 558-8520, or write HC-01 Box 780, Kaunakakai, HI 96748, or eall Arthur Naehu at 558-0009. Haasenritter — The descendants of Karl Haasenritter will be having a potluck family reunion pienie on Sat., July 22, at Blaisdell Park (Kamehameha Hwy. and Ka'ahumanu St.). For information, eall Ethel (Haasenritter) Fragas at 261-3937 on O'ahu. Ho'ohuli — The Ho'ohuli Family Reunion 2000 will be at the Plaza Hotel, 3253 N. Nimitz Hwy., July 13-16. All Ho'ohuli 'ohana is invited. For information, contact Josiah "Black" Ho'ohulai, 668-1101, fax 671-1328, email pueo@pixie.com; and Sonny and Sharlete Poe, 696-8584 (phone/fax), toll-free at 1-888-879-5791, or email ohanapoe@bigplanet.com Hueu — A reunion is planned for Sept. 22-24 in Ke'anae, Maui, for the descendants of James Keolaokalani Hueu Sr. and his wives, Nancy Ah Chock Roback and Esther Kekahuna. For updated information on the Hueu reunion, write to Meleana Aloy, 257 Ho'ola'i St., Pearl City, HI 96782; "Ōpu'ulani Kuluhiwa, 75 E. Waipu'ilani St., Kihei. HI 96753; or Kimberly Thomas, 104 Au'oli Dr., Makawao, H1 96768. Hukiku/Keulua — The 'ohana of Moke Hukiku and Kapli Keulua will hold a reunion and potluck on O'ahu, Sat., July 22. The 'ohana includes the offspring of their children: James Moses, Mary Kiko, Annie Flores, Jack Moses, Joseph Kaahanui Moses, Frank Moke, Louise Lamaga, Kalei Tisalona and Malia Santiago, as well as the offspring of Lokalia Anakolio Holt, James Lawrence Holt, Kaluna Keawekane, Malia Kaneaiakala, Keolas, Ahsings and Kaahanuis. To register, eall Margarita Raqueno at 847-7527, or Erik Kalani Flores (email) at kalani@graph.com. Kaaa — The Kaaa 'ohana potluck reunion is scheduled for Sun., Aug. 27, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Pōka'ī Beach Park. Contact Jeanne Kaaa Kahanaoi at 668-791 1 or write to 87-568 Farrington Hwy., Wai'anae, HI 96792. Kahalepuna — A reunion is planned for Sept. 1-3 at the Waimānalo Quarry for the descendants of Mary Keonaona Maunu and Benjamin Nāla'i'elua. Their children (and spouses) are as follows: Alexander Kaleilani (Margaret Kinney), Cecilia Keonaona (Charles Mamaolena Lee), Julia Kaikelua (Charles Enoka Muller), Francis Nāla'i'elua (Elizabeth Ka'aikuahiwi), Margaget Kamae (Hiram Keakuahinealulana 01sen). Mary Keonaona Maunu's first marriage was to Robert Hala'i and they had a daughter, Mary Ke'alaonaona Hala'i. For information. eall Nellie Muller at 259-5063 or Kanani Lewis at 845-6761; or write to Nellie at 41-613 Inoa'ole St., Waimānalo, HI 96795. Anyone with genealogy information, please contact us. Mahalo!
Kaholo — This year's Kaholo family reunion is scheduled for July 14-16 in Kīhei, Maui at the American Legion Beach pavilion. For those not wishing to eamp, a nearby condo is available. For information on rates, family t-shirts and reunion activities, eall Aliee Green wood at 668-8751. Kahunanui/ Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Elizabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion, Sept. 22-24. Contact Harry Kahunanui, president of the reunion committee, at (808) 878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at (808) 244-2121. We will be more than happy to send you past minutes and update the 'ohana on what's being done and what needs to be done. Aloha kākou. Kaio — The descendants of Hosea Pele Kaio and Lucy Kekela Mokuiki Kaio are planning a reunion Aug. 5-12 at Lā'ie Haumana (Hukilau) Beach. For information, eall Kela Miller at 293-8431 or 2936427, Pele Marasco at 293-7910, Kimberly Rivera at 622-7590, Jacob Kaio at 2396607, or David Kaio at 672-0966. Kaloi — Descendants of Daniel Kamelamela and Helene K. Akuna NicholasGeorge Kaloi are planning a reunion for Aug. 18-20 at the YWCA Camp Kokokahi. 45-035 Kāne'ohe Bay Drive. The fee, whieh includes meals and housing, is $10 per person, 14 and up, $5 for keiki 6-13. and manuahi for those five and below. A ko'ala moa fund-raiser is scheduled for June 3, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at Waipahu Daiei. For information, eall Kuulei (Pa) Soriano at 247-1345, Gerry (Pratt) Paglinawan at 422-0842, Beverly "Porky" Kaholokula at 596-8644, David "Hoppy" Kaloi at 595-4924, or email keaweamahi @ aol.com. Kana'auao-Huewa'a — 'Auhea 'oukou e nā pulapula, nā hanauna o ka mo'okū'auhau o Kana'auao-Huewa'a. The descendants of Julia Kawaikaunu Waiholua and Solomon Kana'auao-Huewa'a from Kīpahulu, Maui, are planning a family reunion July 4-10. For more information, please eall Roberta Na'auao-Jahrling at 732-2046 or email Jahr@classic.msn.com. Kanakaole/Aipoalani/Poil^auahi — The descendants of John Kealii-Kanakaole are having a reunion on O'ahu, Aug. 17-19. For information, eall Jan Miehael Aipoalani at 668-1298, Debra Kelii-Nel-son at 487-2971, email kapohana@cs.com, or Joy Aipoalani at 549-1701. Kawahinekoa — The Kawahinekoa 'ohana will be gathering on Maui, Aug. 3-6. For information on reunion activities, eall 677-7183 or 695-7416. Kekai — Descendants of Abrahama Kaonamau Kekai and Teresa Manners are organizing a gathering to share genealogy information on July 15, time and locationto be announced. Call Pinky Keanu at 5306842 (pager) or mail to Pinky at 41-1710 Kalaniana'ole Hwy, Waimānalo, HI 96795, or email Iahelahe2@juno.com. Please indicate if able to attend July 15 See REUNIONS on page 17
From page 16 gathering. We are hoping for a large response so a reunion ean be planned for next year. Lovell — Henry Glendon, son of Māhoe Lovell, would like to share genealogical information with interested family members descending from Joseph and Mary Holokahiki Lovell of Kaua'i. For information, eall 524-6177. * Manu — The descendants of John KaweloManu and Ka'ōhua'aionāali'i Kapapahe'enalu will gather in Kohala, June 30 - July 5. For information, eall Jan HugoDavis at 883-2424 (Hawai'i island). Mook Shim — The Shim family will be holding their first family reunion in 1 19 years since the two families of Shim Mook, patriarch of the Shim elan have never met. We would like to invite you to this extraordinary gathering celebration the union of the Chinese and Chinese-Hawaiian families. His wives are Lady Chu and Tūtū Lily, also known as Tūtū Poli (Kapoliohi'iaka) Napaepae. Also includes the Shim Bao family whose wife is Yount Tsa Wong. Reunion date is July 7-9 at the Pukalani Community Center. For information, write to Nancy Shim Au, 2963 Ala Oliko Pl, Honolulu, HI 96818, ro phone Euliana Chong at 7322391. Mossman — The Mossman 'ohana will gather July 27-30 at the Kāne'ohe Stake Center. For information, contact Bruce Mossman 259-9654 or Ginny Wright, 2475342. Purdy — Wanted: Ikua Purdy 'ohana! A reunion is planned for June 17 at Blaisdell Park in Pearl City at 2:30 p.m. For information, eall Ikua Purdy at 677-4122, Shirley at 696-6995, or Joby at 372-3361. Reinhardt — Aloha e ka 'ohana o William F. Reinhardt Sr. a me Hannah Kaianui Kalauli. UDATE: The family reunion has been rescheduled for July 7-9. For information, eall Lloyd Reinhardt of Wailuku at 249-2442. Mahalo, a hui hou! Rowe — 'Ohana of Rebecca Kahuli Rowe and Robert Joseph Rowe are planning their reunion for Aug. 23-27. A lū'au will be held on Aug. 26 at 'Ōhikilolo Mākua Ranch. Hawai'i contact is Scott Miles, P.O. Box 832, Pāhoa, HI 96778, email miles@hilo.net, or eall 965-8274. On O'ahu, contact Sweetheart Irvine, 85-1305 Kāne'ākī St„ Wai'anae, HI 96792, or eall 696-2695. ■