Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 June 2000 — More scholarships [ARTICLE]

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More scholarships

The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Center for Hawaiian Studies is offering scholarships for the academic year 2000-'01. The Marv Kawp,-

na Pūku'i Scholarship is for classified students pursuing a graduate degree centering on Hawaiian language and culture research at the University of Hawai'i. Required are a completed application, transcripts from eaeh college and/or university attended (including UH), evidence of admission to graduate

school and a onepage synopsis of the proposed thesis, including a portion on the work devoted to Hawaiian language and culture. The Mililani Trask and Haunani-Kay Trask Scholarship is for students pursuing an undergraduate degree, who are commitment to pohtical activism that contributes to the advancement of Hawaiian self-determination. Smdents must have a 3.2 GPA or better. Required are a completed apphcation, three letters of recommendation, all

transcripts, and a one-page, typewritten essay on political work and/or activism that have contributed to the advancement of Hawaiian selfdetermination. The application deadhne for both the Pūku'i and Trask scholarships is June 30. For more information, eall 9730975 or email momi@hawaii.edu