Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 6, 1 June 2000 — Aloha March update [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Aloha March update

A Fourth of July Hawaiian "Ti Party" will take plaee in Boston Harbor as a prelude to the August 11-12 Aloha March in Washington D.C. Butch Kekahu and the Koani Foundation, event organizers, explained that hundreds of ti leaf lei from ahupua'a throughout the islands will be cast into the harbor as an expression of freedom for Native Hawaiians. "America's founders risked their lives for freedom and political self-determination," said Kekahu. "Are Native Hawaiians wrong to want the same thing?" A1 Kaulia, a resident of Virginia and a direct descendant of 19th century Hawaiian patriot James Kaulia, serves as po'o (head contact on the continent) for the August March on Washington. Organizers hope for thousands to participate, and

have developed a fund-raising CD to help defray costs. For information, eall Kekahu at 822-7643, email alohamarhc2k@yahoo.com, or visit www.alohamarch2000.org.

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Trustee Haunani Apoliona traveled to Washington, D.C., in May to be sworn in as a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on AsianAmericans and Pacific lslanders by Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala who is wearing the leiTrustee Apoliona brought her from Hawai'i. Established by Executive Order, the Commission will study ways to foster research and data collection on Asian-Americans and Pacific lslanders, including information on public health. For more on the Commission, seeTrustee Apoliona's eolumn on page 6.