Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Mākeke Classifieds only $12.50
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to OHA at711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
AFFORDABLE VISI0N, PRESCRIPTI0N PLAN: Dental available for O'ahu 0NLY. No Restrictions/Not Insurance. Call: 808-382-3791 or E-mail: mjtsales@aol.com. 'ANINI BEACH PR0PERTY: Selling a 4.50 share across the street from beach. $25,000 or best offer. CaU: 808-696-7232. BORROW $1,000,000 THE EASY WAY: No credit eheek or stress, repay loan after 30 years. See website http://www.We WantTobe Rich.com/members.cgi/ ALOHA2000. FRESH POI FR0M WAIPI'O VALLEY: Steady orders, party orders, $2.50 per lb., also, Kulolo available @ $4 per lb. plus shipping. King Laulau Brand Poi. Call: 808-775-9001. Also, poi distributor wanted.
H0USE F0R SALE: House is located off of Lualualei Homestead Road at the comer of Hok'ukah & Hokupa'a Streets, Wai'anae, O'ahu. Beautiful custom built, spacious stucco/siding single family home. 3-car garage, 5-bdrm, 6-full bath, detached laundry/bath, 29'X9' lap swimming pool, appliances. lst. Flr: Plaster interior, ceiling 9' h, 14'xl2', bdrm w/full bath, walk-in closet, 9'xl 1' bdrm, spacious living room and kitchen, pantry, mahogany cabinets, rec/lt, carpet/ceramic tile floor. 2nd. Flr: Plaster interior, cathedral ceiling, chandeliers, wet bar, large walk-in-pantry, bay window, carpet/ceramic tile floor, master bdrm, 28'x27', full bath, spacious walk-in closet, 2nd. Bdrm, 20'xl9', full bath, lgr walk-in closet, bay window, 3rd. bdrm, 13'xl2' and many other amenities. Near school, bus route, beach, good neighborhood, wonderful view. Home is priced high. Only those qualified for Hawaiian
Homes and are serious about a high priced home should eall: 808-696-5619 (Ron or Mary Jane). LEASE F0R SALE 0R EXCHANGE, WAI'ŌHULI, MAUI: Residential Homestead, .7 acre, Lot #21, located in Kula, Maui. Best Offer for lease or exchange with Kapolei Village Six lessee. Call Frank: 808-625-0592. LOT FOR SALE, WAI'ŌHULI, MAUI: Perfect plaee to reside, mountain view, 50% Hawaiian required. $50,000, or best offer. Call Harriet: 808-696-7232. MOLOKA'I HAWAIIAN HOME AGRICULTURE L0T: $25,000, for 9.8 acres, $15,000, for 5.0 acres, water/electric available. Call: 808-961-6837 or 808-935-9338 (leave message).
PAPAKŌLEA HOMESTEAD: Lease with very old house. $120,000 or offer. Pager: 808-851-2794. OCEANSIDE KAWAIHAE RESIDENTAL L0T, F0R SALE: Make offer or exchange for Wai'ehu Kou, Maui, Hawai'i. Call (Maui): 808-572-8121. OPIHI'S FROM BIG ISLAND: For Graduation, weddings, political party luau's, etc. Real ono, fresh frozen, $189 - gal, $95 - 1/2 gal. CallO'ahu: 808-261-4977.) SERVICE CLUB: $5.00 for joining our hiring system that has jobs and optional labor. Hurry! It'sBOOMING! Call: 808-680-8232. WILL PAY CASH: For DHHL Pu'ukapu Farms area. Call: 808-732-6272. ■