Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — Group networks Hawaiian education efforts [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Group networks Hawaiian education efforts

By Davld Kekaulike Sing, Ph.D ĪHE NATTVE Hawaiian Education Association is in its inaugural year to serve as a vehicle for networking Hawaiian educators. There are a number of projects sponsored by the association this year. One, is the establishing of the association and building an infrastructure for its long-term existence. A committee composed of Ku'ulei Tengan, Ka'imipono Kaiwi, Noelani Arista and Kalani Akana has worked on developing by-laws for the association based on mana'o shared by Hawaiian educators throughout the state in meetings conducted last year. The following is the preamble of the Native Hawaiian Education Association, whieh reflects some of the ideas expressed by the different people. "Native Hawaiian Education Association (NHEA) advocates an educational philosophy whieh aeknowledges a Hawaiian perspective to teaching and learning in the 21st century, allowing Hawaiian experiences to emerge within schools, institutions, and workplaces, strengthening Hawaiian sovereignty, enriching the edueahonal opportunities of Hawaiians and insuring greater success for the next generations of Hawaiians. "NHEA promotes appropriate educational services to be provided with sensitivity to individual. familial and cultural values wherever Native Hawaiian* leamers reside. utilizing the most effective method including those methods to meet special need. "NHEA coordinates and cooperates with Native Hawaiian and other organizations to provide for future direction, increased communication, and effective leadership in education, cultural, social, and eeonomie development for Native Hawaiians. "NHEA advocates communication and effective Native Hawaiian leadership throughout the Native Hawaiian community for the purpose of promoting educational research, educational advancement, educational

personal development, and to implement the ideals of NHEA. "*For the purposes of the NHEA Constitution, the term "Native Hawaiian" shall mean any person who ean trace their ancestry back to the inhabitants who oeeupied the islands prior to 1778." This year the association has been developing a web site through the assistance of Charles Bocage and Keola Brown from the Hawai'i Computer Training Center. The web site will be one of the means to network members of the association and the general pubhc. The major undertaking of the association this year is the sponsoring of the Native Hawaiian Education Conference on Maui, July 13-14. In collaboration with the Native Hawaiian Education Council, Central Maui Hawaiian Civic Club, Nā Pua No'eau, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center and Maui Community College, the Maui members of the Native Hawaiian Education Association are taking the leadership role in coordinating the event. This will be the beginning of an annual event sponsored by the association. Lui Hokoana, Leni English, Momi Awo, Winnie Chung, Miehele Katsutani, Malia Melemai, John Tomoso, Hlnano Kaumehe'iwa, Allen Ai, David Keala, Mona Kapaku, Sunnie Hu'eu, and Iris Mountcastle are taking the lead in the coordination of the event. The theme of the Native Hawaiian Education Conferenee is Ulu A'e - to grow upward. Tbe conference provides an opportunity for

Hawaiian educators across the State to eome together and discuss the future of Hawaiian education in light of the Rice decision, the opportunities through Charter School and the changes at Kamehameha Schools. According to Lui Hokoana,

"This conference will give us the opportunity to meet and talk about these issues and more importantly, determine what is the next step for Native Hawaiian education." For information about the conference, eall Lui Hokoana at 984-3227 or email Lui.Hokoana@mauicc.hawaii.edu. ■

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David Sing, center, enjoys the opening ceremonies of the Nā Pua No'eau Lāna'i office with staffers from Maui, from the Lāna'i school, the office site, and a reoresentative from the Nature Conservancv.