Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — B&F recommends ʻAPL, Niʻihau School partnership with KSBE and DOE on Kaua'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
B&F recommends ʻAPL, Niʻihau School partnership with KSBE and DOE on Kaua'i
Aloha mai kākou e nā 'ōiwi o Hawai'i. In my 40th article in a series of 46, we highhght Budget and Finance Committee activity. On March 30, B&F met with the Committee on Program Management (CPM) to consider the folIowing: • Appropriation for Ni'ihau School of Kekaha (NSK). Ah seven committee members voted to "approve the appropriation of $391,087 in tmst funds to the NSK for the purpose of developing and managing a bilingual edueahonal program and school for the Ni'ihau children of Kaua'i as outlined in their proposal dated March 24." • Appropriation of OHA Education Foundation Matching Funds for OHA/KS Scholarships. This was a joint item for B&F and CPM. Six of the seven B&F members and ah CPM members voted to approve $350,000 of pubhc land tmst funds earmarked
for OHA's Educarion Foundation to be distributed directly to Kamehameha Schools for the purpose of post high school scholarships for the 2000-2001 school year, to be matched by Kamehameha Schools for a total scholarship program of $700,000. This was a one-time request for the 2000-2001 school year. • Kekaha Armory Lease. The outcome was two actions. Six of seven B&F members voted "to rescind the BOT action of Apiil 29, 1997," whieh provided for a lease the Kekaha Armory to 'Aha Pūnana Leo ('APL) ine. at $1 per year and "to approve a leasing of the property known as the Kekaha Armory to the Kamehameha Schools as 'lead agency'" for renovation and management and for the implementation of Memoranda of Agreement (involving KS, 'APL and NSK) for separate educational programs on the Kekaha Armory site. The board voted further to include conditions of MOA between the lead agency
and 'APL and NSK, and others, if needed, through a general lease, specifically, in part, for: • Renovations, including a classroom, office, kitchen facihties and group activity areas, based on NSK's plan and coordinated with 'APL's existing use. • Right of entry to be extended
by OHA to NSK, KS and DOE in addition to 'APL, to ahow the greatest flexibihty for the educational support staff and services. • KS and DOE's responsibihty for the manager of the NSK teachers, staff and operations. • Shared maintenance of the site by both 'APL and NSK famihes, equahy. • A master calendar of daily and weekend activities developed in consultation with the Ni'ihau famihes of 'APL and NSK ehildren to ensure a balanced use of the Kekaha Armory site for ah Ni'ihau children and families in west Kaua'i. Final B&F action. On March 30, ah six B&F members present voted "to rescind BOT action of March 19, 1999," whieh included an appropriation of $5 1 1 ,300 for renovations to Ke Kula Ni'ihau O Kekaha located at the Armory. They then voted to appropriate the funds to KS as lead agency desig-
nated to complete renovations of the Armory for 'APL and NSK programs, with conditions to be delineated in MOA between KS, the Department of Education and eaeh of the school programs. Still pending BOT action At this writing, ah the above B&F recommendations of March 30 are pending action by the BOT. On Apiil 6, ah six B&F members present voted to approve $18,000 of trust funds toward Hālau Na Mamo O Pu'uanahulu's performance at New York City's Camegie Hah June 3 and in Washington, D.C, on June 7 and 10, subject to: sponsorship by a 501 e (3) organization; a Umitation on funding for Hawaiians only; and OHA PIO's assistance in developing a fuh page ad in the hālau's eommemorative booklet. At this writing, this is stiU pending BOT action. Also pending is selection of OHA's intemational money managers. ■