Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — McColgan leads [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
McColgan leads
• Dean Keahi McColgan, a 1975 St. Louis graduate, was elected to the city eouneil of Federal Way, Washington, his Honolulu family reported. After graduating from Gonzaga University in political science and communications, he retumed home to Honolulu where he was unable to find suitable employment. Since his retum to Washington State, he has been active in city government, has volun-
teered as a little league eoaeh over the past decade and has served on many council-appointed committees. McCogan has owned and operated several businesses over the years, and currently serves as loan executive for the United Way of Pierce County. He and wife Linda have two sons, Ku'ulei and Kaina. "I'm very proud of my son," said Lehua McCogan of Dean, who she says is always mindful of his Hawaiian heritage whieh enhances his capacity as a community leader.
Dean Keahi McColgan, city eouneilman, Federal Way, Wa.