Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — KSBE trustees [ARTICLE]
KSBE trustees
May 15 is the cut-off for submitting resumes for consideration in the search for trustees of the Kamehameha Schools. Quahfied candidates must have expertise in one or more of the fohowing areas: Business administration; hnanee and investment; strategic planning and policy setting; education; law; and governance. The tmstee selection screening eommittee, appointed by Circuit Court Judge Kevin Klein, consists of Nona Beamer, Roy Benham, Kenneth Brown, Melody Kapihaloha MacKenzie, Colbert Matsumoto, Miehael Rawlins and Kelvin Taketa. "We are committed to fīnding candidates who are not only eapahle of ensuring the efficient mnning of an inter-nationahy-recognized tmst, but who also share the princess' vision of quality edueahon for all Hawaiian children," said Rawlins. "Princess Pauahi's extraordinary legacy for the Hawahan people must be upheld. We know there are many qualified candidates in our community and we urge all those who honor the Princess' wih to eome forward to apply for these emeial positions," said Beamer. Interested candidates should submit their resumes and a written statement on their perception of the role of a trustee and their vision, goals and objectives for the estate to Tmstee Screening Committee, e/o Inkinen and Associates, 1001 Bishop St., Pauahi Tower, Ste. 477, Honolulu, HI 96813. Material may be faxed to 521-2380, or sent by email to jobs@inkinen.com. More information is available on-line at inkinen.com.