Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 5, 1 Mei 2000 — Help Hawaiians [ARTICLE]
Help Hawaiians
I'm 62 percent Hawaiian and have lived in Hawai'i all my life. My ehildren are half-Hawaiian. What does the future look like to them? Why is it so difficult to receive help from OHA? Why are we the most indigent people in our own land, the most unhealthy, the least educated? Why is it so difficult to go to Kamehameha Schools? All Hawaiian children should be allowed the opportunity. Why only the elite? Why do the Hawaiian agencies created to help our people challenge our hopes for a better life? Why do we have to be poverty level before help is granted? I am a lower-middle class worker so I don't meet the ineome requirements. One month ago, I went to Alu Like for assistance with tuition for a paralegal class. Request denied because being a paralegal would not advance my career in my present job. What would qualify me? Wouldn't this self-improvement be an asset in any work I do? Two years ago, I requested money from OHA to help my son with school. No, was the reply, sorry, not able to help you at this time. My heart sank. Why not? With a fund halanee of $377,381,014, when are we entitled to receive benefits as Hawaiians? When will things get better for our people? Val Medina Līhu'e