Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2000 — M. Trask/Inouye [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

M. Trask/Inouye

I congratulate Trustee Mililani Trask for her efforts in revealing the shameful problem with federal Hawaiian money. For years the Hōkūle'a has received federal culmral funds, but the eanoe clubs whose members number thousands of adults and children get nothing. The Hōkūle 'a is a good project, but Pinky Thompson and the Polynesian Voyaging Society should pay their own way. Thompson should stop taking

the money and work to get it into the community. Eddie Kauanoe Kalipi Hilo Canoe Club I voted for Mililani Trask because I believed in her and thought she would do the best for Hawaiians. Trask's recent tiff with Dan Inouye and her ad about the federal funding scam are right on the money. In the next election, I will support Trask and get my family to vote for her. She is the only one willing to make change. Kaleo S. L. Yim Hilo Mahalo to Mililani Trask for telling the truth about the reconciliation hearings (February Ka Wai Ola). IwenttoO'ahu to testify because no hearings were held in Hilo. Charles Maxwell was rude and threatened speakers. When we lined up to speak, Maxwell had his stalf unplug and remove the microphone. When we objected. he called the poliee. Mililani is right. We need a change. Kupuna John īopa Pāhoa