Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2000 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

♦ Working Toward Educational Success

AZo/w ZcāMfl. Kamehameha Schools' comprehensive strategic planning efforts eonhnue to move forward, thanks to the energy and commitment of many, many groups and individuals within the Kamehameha 'ohana | and the larger community. Mahalo to all who have shared their time and mana'o in this process. Phase II The planning process is now in Phase II - the time during whieh all of the input gathered during Phase I is to be organized and analyzed by volunteer Working Groups. Sixteen Working Groups - including more than 300 participants - formed in late February, and concluded their task at the end of March. They studied topics that our stakeholders indicated were of importance to meeting the educational needs of the Hawaiian community, or were related to the preservation and stewardship of Ke Ali'i Pauahi's legacy. These topics included: - Early childhood education - Empowering communities - Hawaiian culture and language - K-12 campus-based programs - Literacy - Outreach programs (4 areas) - Stewardship - Teacher training - Research and development - Supporting and engaging families - Hawai'i land retention and acquisition - Mēasuring investment returns - Resource development Embedded Issues As our Working Groups organized and analyzed more than 3,000 community comments, results from over 500 surveys, numerous studies, e-mails and other materials, they were also asked to formulate possible strategies in eaeh of their respective areas. In doing so, they evaluated eaeh strategy in terms of what we eall "embedded issues." These are issues that cut across most, if not all, of the Working Group topics. So far, 20 embedded issues have been identified: 1 . Accountability will be built into all aspects of our institution - all programs and all services. 2. Admissions policies and practices will be designed to provide equal opportunity to all individuals within a program's target audience. 3. Altemative Leaming Environments (non-classroom-based) will be explored and will complement the focus and outcomes of eaeh program. 4. Assessment will measure what is taught. It will value a wide range of educational outcomes. 5. Build on Community Strengths including the incorporation of kūpuna as valued assets of the Hawaiian community in its educational efforts. 6. Communication with Kamehameha participants and beneficiaries will be a long-term, ongoing commitment. 7. Community Service will be a requirement for participants and staff in KS programs, incorporating opportunities for service partnerships. 8. Curriculum & Assessment will be regularly updated and modified on an ongoing basis. Assessment will provide for early detection and correction of curriculum weaknesses.

9. Facilities design and arrangement will reflect the needs of the programs they house. 10. Hawaiian Culture and values will be incorporated in program dehvery and design, the curricula and conduct of all participants. 11. Christian Values will be incorporated in program design and dehvery, curricula and the conduct of all participants. 12. Technology at Kamehameha will stay current and be used to enhanee our students' educational experience, and to enable Kamehameha to more efficiently and effectively deliver educational services, communicate and complete administrative tasks. 13. Leadership and Leadership Development will be part of ah KS programs, and leadership will be encouraged at all levels of our institution. 14. Literacy development will be incorporated into all programs. 15. Partnerships wih be explored as a means of broadening the reach of services to the Hawaiian community, serving more individuals with more diverse needs, and increasing KS connectivity with the Hawaiian community. 16. Quality educational experiences will be provided in every program. Kūlia i kanu'u- strive for the summit wih guide aU aspects of our institution. 17. Stewardship, appreciation, care and nurturing of aU aspects of Ke Ali'i Pauahi's legacy wiU be modeled at aU levels of our institution. 18. Shared Decision-Making will be employed throughout the institution. 19. Target Audiences will be clearly defined for all programs and services, and KS wiU strive to expand services to new target audiences. 20. Whole Child educational experiences and programs wiU address different styles of learning and multiple inteUigences. As you ean imagine, this was no simple task, but every Working Group was up to the challenge and turned in an impressive volume of materials supporting their suggested strategies. Telephone Survey In addition to the efforts of the Working Groups, Phase II also included a phone survey of more than 2,000 Hawanan households. This survey, conducted in March, collected a random sample of community opinions about the strategic issues we are studying. The survey results are part of our Phase II deliberations as the Education and Endowment Core Planning Teams work through the month of May to draft a plan that will be presented to the community for review this summer. On behalf of Kamehameha Schools' Trustees, its Executive Management Team, and all who are working to make our planning effort a living, dynamic process, mahalo for your continued attention to this very important activity in the life of our institution. I mua Kamehameha! If you would like more information about Kamehameha's Strategic Planning process, visit our website at www.ksbe.edu and eliek on "Strategic Planning Information."

KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS Founded and Endou>ed by the Legacy of Princess Bemice Pauahi Bishop