Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 April 2000 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Three Family Combined Keunion — Come and join us Aug. 17-19 at Hukilau Beach in Lā'ie for a huge reunion of three family branches. The first is Nahinu and Auhea, with their daughter Napihi (who married Kanaluaiku Paahao) and her ehildren, Kepalai (who married Kila Kapaekukui); Kaohe; Kalehua; Paahao, Inoaole, Haulepuole and Keikeopio. Also included is their son Nakapaahu who had two wives [(first wife, Ikiikikapoliopele] and had a son Hosea Nahinu Kekauoha (who married Nalia Kai-o) [second wife Kalawai'anuiokamehameha] and had Kaluhimoku; Pahukoa (who married John Neal): Luukia (who had three husbands, Keliiheleole, Kalawa and William Brown); Kekipi; Kenui; Kalamanalo; Marry Rose (who married Joseph Nakai); and Luka (who married Pupuka). Nakapaahu's wives were sisters. The second family is Poi and Pahupu whose children are of Ikiikiikapoliopele; Mokuhiwa, Kalawai'anuiekamehameha; Kahele; Kekipi #3; Kamaka; Kekipi #4; Kukapukeimalama (who married Sarah Kamoakupuna Holi); Emma N. H. Kawaikuiokekla; Victor Kahui; William Keliiahonui, Louisa Kahoowahaokalani; Vaioleta Mikahele; Hailama Paul Noa; and Josephine Kekulanui (who married Chang Soo Kim and Charles Goo). The third family is Kai-o and Kahaionakolo whose children are Kamika; Nalia (who married Hosea Nahinu Kekauoha); John David (who had two wives, Kahinu and Pa'upa'u); Kaahea (who had two wives, Ohao and Kaililaau); Kaiwi; Kilikina; Victoria; Pahau; and Kealoha (who had two wives, Mahoe and Kaai). This three-branch reunion will be a eamp out at Hukilau Beach in Lā'ie. For information, eall or write Sam Kekauoha at 293-995, 55-141A Po'ohaili St., Lā'ie, ♦ O'ahu, HI 96762, Ah Quin/Keaunui — The descendants of Robert Kalama Ah Quin and Roseline Loke Kauhane Keaunui of Hau'ula are planning a family reunion in July. Their children include Zachary, Clarence, Mayrose (Adolpho), Robert Jr., Wildfred, Eleanor (Beppu), Joseph, Joel, William, Florence (Miller Gomes) and Valentina (La'a). For more information, please eall Tiny Kanoa 567-6019; Deanne Silva at 247-0457; Leslie Kanoa, 567-671 1, or write to P.O. Box 1024, Kaunakakai, HI 96748. Akuna, Goo Tong — Descendants of Goo Tong Akuna (k) and Puakailima Kaholokula Akuna (w) are hosting a family reunion Admission Day weekend, Aug. 18-20, at the Waialua Congregational Church Pavilion on Moloka'i. Heirs are Ah Ki Akuna, Apiu Goo Tong Akuna, Ahehuek (Ah Tuck) Goo Tong Akuna, Mary Ah Pin Akuna Leong, Hannah Ah Han Akuna Lau, Mabel Ah Lan Akuna Wallaee, Jack Pun San Akuna, Henrietta Ah Hoong Anna Akuna Apo, Malia (Marie ) Akuna Naehu, Edward (Eddie) Akuna, Agnes Goo Tong (Neki) Akuna Igarta. For information, eall Jo-Ann K. Naehu Simms on Moloka'i at 558-8150, fax 558-8520 or write HC-01 Box 780, Kaunakakai, HI 96748. Arthur Naehu (descendant of Malia ) ean be reached at 558-0009. Cockett — The 21st annual Cockett reunion will be held on Maui, June 16-18. All descendants of Charles and Elizabeth "Beke" Cockett are weleome including the line who are descendants from Kauapauikalani, father of Kahiamoe and Kikookoo. For information, eall Lennox Cockett at (808) 239-7678 or on Maui Gordon Cockett at (808) 667-9170. Duarte/Paiaina — A reunion will be held May 26 - 29, King Kamehameha Hotel, Kailua, Kona for the Duarte and Paiaina families. Please contact the central reservation line at 923-451 1. Neighbor islands and mainland eall toll-free at 1-800-367-6060. Account number is See REUNIONS on page 22
KC 16001 . For information, eall reunion chair Elle Kaanaana at 672-3775. Please send names to "Baby Jane" Kaliko Pedro for newsletter updates at 92-841 Wainohia St„ Kapolei, HI 96707 Haasenritter — The descendants of Karl Haasenritter will be having a potluck family reunion pienie on Sat., July 22, at Blaisdell Park (Kamehameha Hwy. and Ka'ahumanu St.). For information, eall Ethel (Haasenritter) Fragas at 261-3937 on O'ahu. Hennesey / Weleh — These families, and those having surnames of Ah Sam, Amina, Bailey, Bell, Brown, Elderts, Fountain, Hitchcock, Kaloi, Kaluna, Kamaiopili, Lum and Maxwell are getting together. Please eome Sat., April 29, to a potluck and wala'au gathering at Windward Community College's Alaka'i Building, room 102 (formerly the Eckart Building). For infomation, eall Sandy Yim Cobb-Adams at 293-81 11, Patrick Ah Sam at 488-2307, Thelma Chu at 263-0102 or Guy Champion Elderts at 239-6114. Irvine — - A reunion is planned for the descendants of Arthur Irvine Sr. and Annie Lilia Kumai, May 21 at Bellows Air Force Base, Waimānalo. Their ehildren were Arthur Irvine II (m. Edith Oana), James Irvine Sr. (m. Helen Freitas), Anna Lilia Irvine (M. Henry Gumpher) William Irvine (m. Cathryn Murty) Benjamin Irvine (m. Carolyn Lewis), Louis Kanekoa Irvine (m. Annie Guerrero). For information and reservations, eall James Irvine Jr. at 261-1604 or Dorothy Irvine Napoleon at 261-7171. Kaaa — The Kaaa 'ohana potluck reunion is scheduled for Sun., Aug. 27, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Pōka'I Beach Park. Door prizes, 'ohana t-shirts, tank tops and jackets will be available. Descendants include John Kaaa and Catherine Keaolewa Mahi; Joseph Kaaa with Jennie Poo and Mary Anny Montero; Francis S. Kaaa with Mary Ann Kaimi and Elsie Coito; Mahi and Mele Kauhane; John Kalaukoa and Hattie Kapahua; William and Henry Kaaa 'ohana from Hawai'i, Maui, Kaua'i and other 'ohana not known. Fliers will be sent out soon. Contact Jeanne Kaaa Kahanaoi at 668-791 1 or write to 87-568 Farrington Hwy., Wai'anae, HI 96792.
Kahiwakānekapolei — Nā Kū'auhau o Kahiwakānekapolei, including the families of Aiu, Bright and Kepelino, are planning a grand reunion for Aug. 18-20, in Kona. Please update your address, phone number and genealogy information, and submit to Nā Kū'auhau o Kahiwakānekapolei, P.O. Box 5411, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. For information, suggestions, or to help plan the event, eall Ka'anapu Kong at 239-9248, Danny Stone at 235-5995 or email kaleo@lokahi.com. Kahunanui/ Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Elizabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion, Sept. 22-24. Contact Harry Kahunanui, president of the reunion committee, at (808) 878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at (808) 244-2121. We will more than happy to send you past minutes and updade the 'ohana on what's being done and what needs to be done. Alohakākou. Kalua Kanawaliwali — The 2000 'ohana reunion will be held Sept. 1-3 (Labor Day weekend) at the Kokokahi YWCA, 45-135 Kāne'ohe Bay Dr. Please mail in your order forms ASAP. If you haven't received your second newsletter or need information, contact Moana McKeague, (808) 259-6590 or fax 259-5459. Kamahele — The descendants of Kamahelenui, born in 1818, John Kamahele born in 1 849 and John Kamahele born in 1883 in Puna, Hawai'i, will be having a family reunion lū'au, July, at the Wailoa State Park Pavilion, in Hilo, noon - 7 p.m. Please eall if you plan to attend for headcount. Reservation deadline is April 30. 'Ohana reunion week, June 28 - July 5, will include craft demonstrations, field trips, genelagy workshops and a July 4 pienie. For information, or to be added to the Kamahale Reunion Newsletter list, eall Debbie Armour at 487-6022, Florence (Sweetie) Suy at 839-6000 or William (Bully) Apele at 682-4320. Kana'auao-Huewa'a — 'Auhea 'oukou e nā pulapula, nā hanauna o ka mo'okū'auhau o Kana'auao-Huewa'a. The descendants of Julia Kawaikaunu Waiholua and Solomon Kana'auaoHuewa'a from Kīpahulu, Maui, are planning a family reunion July 4-10. Their offspring include Mileka-nui Na'auao, Ewalina Na'auao with Fred Caminos, Aliee Kamano Na'auao, Ka'imina'auao, Rose Kalei Na'auao who married Melaneio Galang Pelayo, Solomon Huewa'a
Na'auao Jr. who married Priscilla Kaho'onei, Irene Na'auao Inaina who married Joe King Miranda and John Perkins, Mileka-li'ili'i who married Fred Robins, George Na'auao Inaina who married Rachel Kepola Kalunahale Keawe-Saffery, Robert Kaho'okele Na'auao who married Edith Ku'ulei Ka'ōnohi and Uarda Kanani Femandez, Leoni Manuhia Na'auao and Ewalinali'ili'i (Evelyn) Na'auao who married George Apela Kamau. Opening ceremonies and memorial services will begin on O'ahu from July 4-6. 'Ohana gathering and closing ceremonies will conclude at Kīpahulu, Maui, July 8-10. For more information, please eall Roberta Na'auao-Jahrling at 732-2046 or email Jahr@classic.msn.com. Kauauanuiamahi — 'Auhea 'oe e nā 'ohana o Keli'ionahuawai (k) and Kaua'iokalani Kana'e Kauaua (w) and their children: Papa'i Kauaua (w) who married Ka'iwi (Job) Piena; Kamaka Kauaua (w) who married John Kamake'e Kuhaulua; Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua (w) who married Kalino Ka'ilipo'aiau; Apuakahei Kauaua (w) who married Kahuioke'aumiki; and Moeloa Kauaua (w) who married Mataio (Matthew) Ke'alo (aka Kaiwi). A family reunion is scheduled for Sept. 23-24 at Wailoa State Park in Hilo. The theme is "Nānā i ke Kumu." For information, eall or write Moses Kuamo'o Moke (Pelekikena), 328 Todd Ave., Hilo, HI 96720, 935-2595; or Joan Ai at 244-9353 (Maui). Kaupiko — The reunion originally scheduled for this coming Admission Day weekend is being postponed until August 2001. Pauole/Halalu/Aiai — Descendants of Joseph Aiai and Anuali, William Aiai Pauole and Mary Puaaloke Samuel and Andrew Pauole and Elizabeth Wahinekapu Kekapa are planning a reunion June 30 - July 3 at Salt Pond Park, Hanapēpē, Kaua'i. For information, pleastf*contact Miriam Sasaki, P.O. Box 242, Koloa, HI 96756 or eall 742-2143; Kekapa Lee, 920 Ward Ave., #14B, Honolulu, HI 96813 or eall 528-5974; Bonnie Ann Dela Cruz, 1 1 1 Kahului Beach Rd., Kahului, HI 96732 or eall 877-5680; or Elizabeth P. Lee, 286 Baker Ave., Hilo, HI 96720, or eall 961-2130. Reinhardt — Descendants of William E. Reinhardt I and Hana Kaianui Kalauli are holding a family reunion July 20-30 in Kīhei, Maui. For information, eall Lloyd Reinhardt of Wailuku at 249-2442.
» Rowe — 'Ohana of Rebecca Kahuli Rowe and Robert Joseph Rowe are planning their reunion for Aug. 23-27._ A lū'au will be held on Aug. 26 at 'Ohikilolo Mākua Ranch on the Wai'anae Coast. Hawai'i contact is Scott Miles, P.O. Box 832, Pāhoa, HI 96778, email miles@hilo.net, or eall 965-8274. On O'ahu, contact Sweetheart Irvine, 851305 Kāne'ākī St., Wai'anae, HI 96792, or eall 696-2695. Spencer — The descendants of Francis McFarlane Spencer and his wives: Sarah Smith and Martha Daniels, are planning a family reunion the weekend of Aug. 5, in Waimea, Hawai'i. Weneedyour kōkua to organize mailing lists, committees and genealogy information. Please kōkua by contacting, on O'ahu, Sarah Mendoza at 247-7188, or Audry Brooks at 488-6775; in Waimea, Bea Nobriga at 885-7088, or Cynthia Spencer at 8855761. Waahila — Descendants of Harry Kaliko Waahila will hold a reunion July 21-23. Family includes descendants of Hoku Waahila, David Kawika Waahila, Emma Kawahinenohokula Waahila Yonemua, Peter Kelii Waahila, Sarah Jane Waahila Kaawehi Ah You, Julia Hanapuakoolau Waahila Yonemua, Edward Kapikookalani Waahila, Jervis Frank Keakaokalani Waahila, Helen Kalele Waahila Bumazhim; David Peter Waahila and Hannah Kuili, George Peter Kaonohimaka, Nuhi Kane and Victoria Poomanu Kunewa. Paulo Kane and Anna Kahananui, Kuili and Kopela. Please forward your genealogies and inquiries to Hannah Reeves, P.O. Box 844, KailuaKona. HI 96745. Phone/fax (808)3256337 or fax (808)325-9647. Email Hpukaana@aol.com. Also, Harry and Susan Yonemua, 76-6264 Plumeria Rd., •> Kailua-Kona, HI 96740-2253, phone 320-2013. Wehe Ke Kama — Descendants of Kealiikawahinehololio and Thomas Miehael Hennessey; Luisa Kekilohi Ka'a'awa and James Kepo'okalani Hennessey; Mele Kaina and Frederick Weleh; Mele Kaina Weleh and James Kepo'okalani Hennessey; Elizabeth Hennessey and William J. Kahikina Maxwell; Mele Kanekapolei Kawaihoa and SoIomon Kaina or Keaweolu; are planning a potluck and wala'au gathering, Sat., April 29. For information, eall Sandy Yim Cobb-Adams at 293-81 1 1 or Patrick Ah Sam at 488-2307. ■
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